> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shally Verma [mailto:shally.ve...@caviumnetworks.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 11:35 AM
> To: De Lara Guarch, Pablo <pablo.de.lara.gua...@intel.com>
> Cc: Trahe, Fiona <fiona.tr...@intel.com>; dev@dpdk.org;
> pathr...@caviumnetworks.com; mcha...@caviumnetworks.com; Ashish Gupta
> <ashish.gu...@caviumnetworks.com>; Sunila Sahu
> <sunila.s...@caviumnetworks.com>
> Subject: [PATCH v1 7/7] drivers/compress: add meson.build support
> Add octeontx in drivers/compress/meson.build.

This should be added in patch 1.

> Also change the config and drv format flags to append _compress to use
> compression specific format for global filenames. This also require change in
> compression PMDs to rename their version.map files as rte_pmd_<pmd
> name>_compress.map ex. Isal should rename as
> rte_pmd_isal_compress_version.map.
> Currently the drivers/compress/meson.build use the generic config names with
> no compress specific specifier. This breaks meson build when vendor uses same
> name for different PMDs, where all belongs to same platform.
> Ex. drivers/net/octeontx, drivers/event/octeontx, drivers/compress/octeontx
> where, net, event and compress carry PMD for eth, event and compression
> devices for Octeontx platform. Thus, differentiate globally used files using
> module specific specifier ex. rte_pmd_octeontx_compress_version.map
> and rte_pmd_octeontx_event_version.map

I think instead of forcing all the PMDs to use that suffix, if there are 
drivers with the same PMD,
they can add the "compres" suffix, without imposing it to others.

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