On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 03:43:59AM +0000, Saha, Avik (AWS) wrote:

> So with DPDK 1.7 there are 2 separate implementations - one is the rte_hash 
> which does not support LRU (at least to my understanding - I could be wrong 
> here) and then there is the librte_table library which has support for LRU 
> in a hash table. I m a little confused as to which one you are referring to 
> Matthew.

I'm referring to the fact that rte_hash'es of all types are kind of 
special-purpose. So it's important to clarify what kind of data you're 
planning to match, using which of the hashes, and which strategy.

In my case I wanted to use them for variable-length data which will likely not 
fit onto a cacheline such as URL's, and they don't work for this application.


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