DPDK Release Status Meeting 06/07/2018

Minutes from the weekly DPDK Release Status Meeting.

The DPDK Release Status Meeting is intended for DPDK Committers to discuss
the status of the master tree and sub-trees, and for project managers to
track progress or milestone dates.

The meeting occurs on Thursdays at 8:30 UTC. If you wish to attend just
send me and email and I will send you the invite.

Minutes 6 June 2018


* New Patchwork v2.
* Roadmaps.
* Upcoming changes from Tech Board meeting.
* Proposal deadline.
* Backlog of old patches.
* Proposal Deadline.
* Memory rework.
* Applying patches to master.
* Subtrees.


* Testing from Intel ongoing.
* Mellanox: 17.11 + 18.02.
* RedHat: putting testing in place.


* Intel
* Mellanox
* RedHat
* Broadcom

New Patchwork version.

* Patchwork upgraded to V2.0.2 - Thanks Thomas, Mellanox and Stephen Finucane.
* Now supports "Series" i.e., patchsets for new patches.
* New client available that supports applying a full patch series:
  git-pw: http://patchwork.readthedocs.io/projects/git-pw/en/latest/


* All contributing companies are encourages to send updated roadmaps for
  18.08 and later: http://dpdk.org/dev/roadmap
* Intel, Mellanox and Broadcom committed to sending updates.

Upcoming changes from Tech Board meeting.

* Explicit time limits for reviews/commits. Acked patches will be committed
  within 2 weeks. This has already been agreed previously and documented:
  There was a new recommendation that non-acked, non-commented files will
  be committed after 3 weeks if there are no objections/comments.

* Weekly merge. Subtrees to be merged on Thursdays. Master on Friday.

Backlog of old patches.

* There is a backlog of old patches:
  Need help cleaning this updated

Proposal Deadline

* 8 June
* Other dates: http://dpdk.org/dev/roadmap#dates

Memory rework

* Thomas reported that Mellanox are still seeing issues
* Will interface with Anatoly
* Will check with OvS

Applying patches to master

* Looking for patches to apply early.
* HyperV patches will be applied.


* Net: Not many patches yet
* Virtio: Quiet for now.
* Crypto: Nothing merged yet. 62 patches in the backlog.


* Testing from Intel ongoing.
* Mellanox: 17.11 + 18.02.
* RedHat: putting testing in place.

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