Add small amount of additional code, use consistent variable names
across code blocks, change the image to represent queues and
CPU cores intuitively. These help improve the eventdev library

Signed-off-by: Honnappa Nagarahalli <>
Reviewed-by: Gavin Hu <>
Acked-by: Jerin Jacob <>
Acked-by: Harry van Haaren <>
* Added Acked-by info

* Added copyright
* Added reference for RX and TX cores
* Changed worker_port_id1 to worker_port_id 

 doc/guides/prog_guide/eventdev.rst           |   57 +-
 doc/guides/prog_guide/img/eventdev_usage.svg | 1519 +++++++++-----------------
 2 files changed, 574 insertions(+), 1002 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/guides/prog_guide/eventdev.rst 
index ce19997..8fcae54 100644
--- a/doc/guides/prog_guide/eventdev.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/prog_guide/eventdev.rst
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 ..  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
     Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation.
+    Copyright(c) 2018 Arm Limited.
 Event Device Library
@@ -129,8 +130,10 @@ API Walk-through
 This section will introduce the reader to the eventdev API, showing how to
 create and configure an eventdev and use it for a two-stage atomic pipeline
-with a single core for TX. The diagram below shows the final state of the
-application after this walk-through:
+with one core each for RX and TX. RX and TX cores are shown here for
+illustration, refer to Eventdev Adapter documentation for further details.
+The diagram below shows the final state of the application after this
 .. _figure_eventdev-usage1:
@@ -196,23 +199,29 @@ calling the setup function. Repeat this step for each 
queue, starting from
                 .nb_atomic_flows = 1024,
                 .nb_atomic_order_sequences = 1024,
+        struct rte_event_queue_conf single_link_conf = {
+                .event_queue_cfg = RTE_EVENT_QUEUE_CFG_SINGLE_LINK,
+        };
         int dev_id = 0;
-        int queue_id = 0;
-        int err = rte_event_queue_setup(dev_id, queue_id, &atomic_conf);
+        int atomic_q_1 = 0;
+        int atomic_q_2 = 1;
+        int single_link_q = 2;
+        int err = rte_event_queue_setup(dev_id, atomic_q_1, &atomic_conf);
+        int err = rte_event_queue_setup(dev_id, atomic_q_2, &atomic_conf);
+        int err = rte_event_queue_setup(dev_id, single_link_q, 
-The remainder of this walk-through assumes that the queues are configured as
+As shown above, queue IDs are as follows:
  * id 0, atomic queue #1
  * id 1, atomic queue #2
  * id 2, single-link queue
+These queues are used for the remainder of this walk-through.
 Setting up Ports
-Once queues are set up successfully, create the ports as required. Each port
-should be set up with its corresponding port_conf type, worker for worker 
-rx and tx for the RX and TX cores:
+Once queues are set up successfully, create the ports as required.
 .. code-block:: c
@@ -232,15 +241,24 @@ rx and tx for the RX and TX cores:
                 .new_event_threshold = 4096,
         int dev_id = 0;
-        int port_id = 0;
-        int err = rte_event_port_setup(dev_id, port_id, &CORE_FUNCTION_conf);
+        int rx_port_id = 0;
+        int err = rte_event_port_setup(dev_id, rx_port_id, &rx_conf);
+        for(int worker_port_id = 1; worker_port_id <= 4; worker_port_id++) {
+               int err = rte_event_port_setup(dev_id, worker_port_id, 
+        }
-It is now assumed that:
+        int tx_port_id = 5;
+       int err = rte_event_port_setup(dev_id, tx_port_id, &tx_conf);
+As shown above:
  * port 0: RX core
  * ports 1,2,3,4: Workers
  * port 5: TX core
+These ports are used for the remainder of this walk-through.
 Linking Queues and Ports
@@ -254,15 +272,14 @@ can be achieved like this:
 .. code-block:: c
-        uint8_t port_id = 0;
+        uint8_t rx_port_id = 0;
+        uint8_t tx_port_id = 5;
         uint8_t atomic_qs[] = {0, 1};
         uint8_t single_link_q = 2;
-        uint8_t tx_port_id = 5;
         uin8t_t priority = RTE_EVENT_DEV_PRIORITY_NORMAL;
-        for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-                int worker_port = i + 1;
-                int links_made = rte_event_port_link(dev_id, worker_port, 
atomic_qs, NULL, 2);
+        for(int worker_port_id = 1; worker_port_id <= 4; worker_port_id++) {
+                int links_made = rte_event_port_link(dev_id, worker_port_id, 
atomic_qs, NULL, 2);
         int links_made = rte_event_port_link(dev_id, tx_port_id, 
&single_link_q, &priority, 1);
@@ -295,14 +312,14 @@ The following code shows how those packets can be 
enqueued into the eventdev:
                 ev[i].flow_id = mbufs[i]->hash.rss;
                 ev[i].op = RTE_EVENT_OP_NEW;
                 ev[i].sched_type = RTE_SCHED_TYPE_ATOMIC;
-                ev[i].queue_id = 0;
+                ev[i].queue_id = atomic_q_1;
                 ev[i].event_type = RTE_EVENT_TYPE_ETHDEV;
                 ev[i].sub_event_type = 0;
                 ev[i].priority = RTE_EVENT_DEV_PRIORITY_NORMAL;
                 ev[i].mbuf = mbufs[i];
-        const int nb_tx = rte_event_enqueue_burst(dev_id, port_id, ev, nb_rx);
+        const int nb_tx = rte_event_enqueue_burst(dev_id, rx_port_id, ev, 
         if (nb_tx != nb_rx) {
                 for(i = nb_tx; i < nb_rx; i++)
@@ -334,7 +351,7 @@ the event to the next stage in the pipeline.
-        uint16_t nb_tx = rte_event_enqueue_burst(dev_id, port_id, events, 
+        uint16_t nb_tx = rte_event_enqueue_burst(dev_id, worker_port_id, 
events, nb_rx);
 Egress of Events
diff --git a/doc/guides/prog_guide/img/eventdev_usage.svg 
index 7765649..c19818b 100644
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+++ b/doc/guides/prog_guide/img/eventdev_usage.svg
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+                       <title>Sheet.1068</title>
+                       <g id="shape3-2" v:mID="3" v:groupContext="shape" 
transform="translate(63,184.827) rotate(180)">
+                               <title>Simple Arrow</title>
+                               <desc>In Intf</desc>
+                               <v:userDefs>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" 
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="ArrowType" v:prompt="" 
+                               </v:userDefs>
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width="63.01" height="0" transform="rotate(180)"/>
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126.92 L63 132.91 L63 138.91 L12 138.91 L12 144.91 L0 132.91 Z"
+                                               class="st1"/>
+                               <text x="-43.6" y="-129.91" 
transform="rotate(180)" class="st2" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph 
v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>In Intf</text>                       </g>
+                       <g id="group1010-5" 
transform="translate(130.5,-73.3167)" v:mID="1010" v:groupContext="group">
+                               <title>Sheet.1010</title>
+                               <g id="group1000-6" 
transform="translate(-2.19824E-14,-0.0534178)" v:mID="1000" 
+                                       <title>Sheet.1000</title>
+                                       <g id="shape1001-7" v:mID="1001" 
v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(0,-4.86)">
+                                               <title>Rectangle.38</title>
+                                               <v:userDefs>
+                                                       <v:ud 
v:nameU="visVersion" v:val="VT0(15):26"/>
+                                               </v:userDefs>
+                                               <rect x="0" y="123.913" 
width="22.3966" height="8.99999" class="st3"/>
+                                       </g>
+                                       <g id="shape1002-9" v:mID="1002" 
v:groupContext="shape" v:layerMember="0" transform="translate(2.19832,-18.18)">
+                                               <title>Dynamic 
+                                               <path d="M9 137.41 L9 146.41" 
+                                       </g>
+                                       <g id="shape1003-12" v:mID="1003" 
v:groupContext="shape" v:layerMember="0"
+                                               <title>Dynamic 
+                                               <path d="M9 137.41 L9 146.41" 
+                                       </g>
+                                       <g id="shape1004-15" v:mID="1004" 
v:groupContext="shape" v:layerMember="0" transform="translate(-3.40084,-18)">
+                                               <title>Dynamic 
+                                               <path d="M9 137.41 L9 146.41" 
+                                       </g>
+                               </g>
+                               <g id="group1005-18" 
transform="translate(22.6034,0)" v:mID="1005" v:groupContext="group">
+                                       <title>Sheet.1005</title>
+                                       <g id="shape1006-19" v:mID="1006" 
v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(0,-4.86)">
+                                               <title>Rectangle.38</title>
+                                               <v:userDefs>
+                                                       <v:ud 
v:nameU="visVersion" v:val="VT0(15):26"/>
+                                               </v:userDefs>
+                                               <rect x="0" y="123.913" 
width="22.3966" height="8.99999" class="st3"/>
+                                       </g>
+                                       <g id="shape1007-21" v:mID="1007" 
v:groupContext="shape" v:layerMember="0"
+                                               <title>Dynamic 
+                                               <path d="M9 137.41 L9 146.41" 
+                                       </g>
+                                       <g id="shape1008-24" v:mID="1008" 
v:groupContext="shape" v:layerMember="0"
+                                               <title>Dynamic 
+                                               <path d="M9 137.41 L9 146.41" 
+                                       </g>
+                                       <g id="shape1009-27" v:mID="1009" 
v:groupContext="shape" v:layerMember="0" transform="translate(-3.40084,-18)">
+                                               <title>Dynamic 
+                                               <path d="M9 137.41 L9 146.41" 
+                                       </g>
+                               </g>
-                       <path
-   d="m 0,591.5 a 20.5,20.5 0 0 1 41,0 20.5,20.5 0 1 1 -41,0 z"
-   class="st6"
-   id="path100"
-   inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
-   style="fill:#ffd965;stroke:#c7c8c8;stroke-width:0.25" />
-                       <text
-   x="11.69"
-   y="594.5"
-   class="st4"
-   v:langID="1033"
-   id="text102"
-   style="fill:#feffff;font-family:Calibri"><v:paragraph
-   v:horizAlign="1" /><v:tabList />W N</text>
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-   id="shape10-46"
-   v:mID="10"
-   v:groupContext="shape"
-   transform="matrix(0.77644652,0,0,0.77644652,220.95621,-348.94537)">
-                       <title
-   id="title105">Circle.10</title>
-                       <desc
-   id="desc107">W 1</desc>
-                       <v:userDefs>
-                               <v:ud
-   v:nameU="visVersion"
-   v:val="VT0(15):26" />
-                       </v:userDefs>
-                       <v:textBlock
-   v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)" />
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-   cx="20.5"
-   cy="591.5"
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-   height="30.75" />
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-   id="shadow10-47"
-   v:groupContext="shadow"
-   v:shadowOffsetX="0.345598"
-   v:shadowOffsetY="-1.97279"
-   v:shadowType="1"
-   transform="translate(0.345598,1.97279)"
-   class="st1"
-   style="visibility:visible">
-                               <path
-   d="m 0,591.5 a 20.5,20.5 0 0 1 41,0 20.5,20.5 0 1 1 -41,0 z"
-   class="st2"
-   id="path110"
-   inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
+                       <g id="group1016-30" 
transform="translate(301.5,-73.3167)" v:mID="1016" v:groupContext="group">
+                               <title>Sheet.1016</title>
+                               <g id="group1017-31" 
transform="translate(-2.19824E-14,-0.0534178)" v:mID="1017" 
+                                       <title>Sheet.1017</title>
+                                       <g id="shape1018-32" v:mID="1018" 
v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(0,-4.86)">
+                                               <title>Rectangle.38</title>
+                                               <v:userDefs>
+                                                       <v:ud 
v:nameU="visVersion" v:val="VT0(15):26"/>
+                                               </v:userDefs>
+                                               <rect x="0" y="123.913" 
width="22.3966" height="8.99999" class="st3"/>
+                                       </g>
+                                       <g id="shape1019-34" v:mID="1019" 
v:groupContext="shape" v:layerMember="0"
+                                               <title>Dynamic 
+                                               <path d="M9 137.41 L9 146.41" 
+                                       </g>
+                                       <g id="shape1020-37" v:mID="1020" 
v:groupContext="shape" v:layerMember="0"
+                                               <title>Dynamic 
+                                               <path d="M9 137.41 L9 146.41" 
+                                       </g>
+                                       <g id="shape1021-40" v:mID="1021" 
v:groupContext="shape" v:layerMember="0" transform="translate(-3.40084,-18)">
+                                               <title>Dynamic 
+                                               <path d="M9 137.41 L9 146.41" 
+                                       </g>
+                               </g>
+                               <g id="group1022-43" 
transform="translate(22.6034,0)" v:mID="1022" v:groupContext="group">
+                                       <title>Sheet.1022</title>
+                                       <g id="shape1023-44" v:mID="1023" 
v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(0,-4.86)">
+                                               <title>Rectangle.38</title>
+                                               <v:userDefs>
+                                                       <v:ud 
v:nameU="visVersion" v:val="VT0(15):26"/>
+                                               </v:userDefs>
+                                               <rect x="0" y="123.913" 
width="22.3966" height="8.99999" class="st3"/>
+                                       </g>
+                                       <g id="shape1024-46" v:mID="1024" 
v:groupContext="shape" v:layerMember="0"
+                                               <title>Dynamic 
+                                               <path d="M9 137.41 L9 146.41" 
+                                       </g>
+                                       <g id="shape1025-49" v:mID="1025" 
v:groupContext="shape" v:layerMember="0"
+                                               <title>Dynamic 
+                                               <path d="M9 137.41 L9 146.41" 
+                                       </g>
+                                       <g id="shape1026-52" v:mID="1026" 
v:groupContext="shape" v:layerMember="0" transform="translate(-3.40084,-18)">
+                                               <title>Dynamic 
+                                               <path d="M9 137.41 L9 146.41" 
+                                       </g>
+                               </g>
-                       <path
-   d="m 0,591.5 a 20.5,20.5 0 0 1 41,0 20.5,20.5 0 1 1 -41,0 z"
-   class="st6"
-   id="path112"
-   inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
-   style="fill:#ffd965;stroke:#c7c8c8;stroke-width:0.25" />
-                       <text
-   x="12.39"
-   y="594.5"
-   class="st4"
-   v:langID="1033"
-   id="text114"
-   style="fill:#feffff;font-family:Calibri"><v:paragraph
-   v:horizAlign="1" /><v:tabList />W 1</text>
-               </g>
-               <g
-   id="shape11-52"
-   v:mID="11"
-   v:groupContext="shape"
-   v:layerMember="0"
-   transform="matrix(0.77644652,0,0,0.77644652,195.91581,-312.06416)">
-                       <title
-   id="title117">Dynamic connector.11</title>
-                       <path
-   d="m 0,612 0,-68 25.21,0"
-   class="st7"
-   id="path119"
-   inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
-               </g>
-               <g
-   id="shape12-57"
-   v:mID="12"
-   v:groupContext="shape"
-   v:layerMember="0"
-   transform="matrix(0.77644652,0,0,0.77644652,176.37498,-305.07614)">
-                       <title
-   id="title122">Dynamic connector.12</title>
-                       <path
-   d="m 0,603 50.38,0"
-   class="st7"
-   id="path124"
-   inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
-               </g>
-               <g
-   id="shape13-62"
-   v:mID="13"
-   v:groupContext="shape"
-   v:layerMember="0"
-   transform="matrix(0.77644652,0,0,0.77644652,176.37498,-312.06416)">
-                       <title
-   id="title127">Dynamic connector.13</title>
-                       <path
-   d="m 0,612 25.17,0 0,68 25.21,0"
-   class="st7"
-   id="path129"
-   inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
-               </g>
-               <g
-   id="shape14-67"
-   v:mID="14"
-   v:groupContext="shape"
-   v:layerMember="0"
-   transform="matrix(0.77644652,0,0,0.77644652,252.79052,-259.2658)">
-                       <title
-   id="title132">Dynamic connector.14</title>
-                       <path
-   d="m 0,612 26.88,0 0,-68 23.5,0"
-   class="st7"
-   id="path134"
-   inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
-               </g>
-               <g
-   id="shape15-72"
-   v:mID="15"
-   v:groupContext="shape"
-   v:layerMember="0"
-   transform="matrix(0.77644652,0,0,0.77644652,252.79052,-305.07614)">
-                       <title
-   id="title137">Dynamic connector.15</title>
-                       <path
-   d="m 0,603 50.38,0"
-   class="st7"
-   id="path139"
-   inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
-               </g>
-               <g
-   id="shape19-77"
-   v:mID="19"
-   v:groupContext="shape"
-   transform="matrix(0.77644652,0,0,0.77644652,389.70366,-296.14701)">
-                       <title
-   id="title142">Circle.19</title>
-                       <desc
-   id="desc144">W ..</desc>
-                       <v:userDefs>
-                               <v:ud
-   v:nameU="visVersion"
-   v:val="VT0(15):26" />
-                       </v:userDefs>
-                       <v:textBlock
-   v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)" />
-                       <v:textRect
-   cx="20.5"
-   cy="591.5"
-   width="35.88"
-   height="30.75" />
-                       <g
-   id="shadow19-78"
-   v:groupContext="shadow"
-   v:shadowOffsetX="0.345598"
-   v:shadowOffsetY="-1.97279"
-   v:shadowType="1"
-   transform="translate(0.345598,1.97279)"
-   class="st1"
-   style="visibility:visible">
-                               <path
-   d="m 0,591.5 a 20.5,20.5 0 0 1 41,0 20.5,20.5 0 1 1 -41,0 z"
-   class="st2"
-   id="path147"
-   inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
+                       <g id="group1032-55" transform="translate(468,-73.2)" 
v:mID="1032" v:groupContext="group">
+                               <title>Sheet.1032</title>
+                               <g id="group1033-56" 
transform="translate(-2.19824E-14,-0.0534178)" v:mID="1033" 
+                                       <title>Sheet.1033</title>
+                                       <g id="shape1034-57" v:mID="1034" 
v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(0,-4.86)">
+                                               <title>Rectangle.38</title>
+                                               <v:userDefs>
+                                                       <v:ud 
v:nameU="visVersion" v:val="VT0(15):26"/>
+                                               </v:userDefs>
+                                               <rect x="0" y="123.913" 
width="22.3966" height="8.99999" class="st3"/>
+                                       </g>
+                                       <g id="shape1035-59" v:mID="1035" 
v:groupContext="shape" v:layerMember="0"
+                                               <title>Dynamic 
+                                               <path d="M9 137.41 L9 146.41" 
+                                       </g>
+                                       <g id="shape1036-62" v:mID="1036" 
v:groupContext="shape" v:layerMember="0"
+                                               <title>Dynamic 
+                                               <path d="M9 137.41 L9 146.41" 
+                                       </g>
+                                       <g id="shape1037-65" v:mID="1037" 
v:groupContext="shape" v:layerMember="0" transform="translate(-3.40084,-18)">
+                                               <title>Dynamic 
+                                               <path d="M9 137.41 L9 146.41" 
+                                       </g>
+                               </g>
+                               <g id="group1038-68" 
transform="translate(22.6034,0)" v:mID="1038" v:groupContext="group">
+                                       <title>Sheet.1038</title>
+                                       <g id="shape1039-69" v:mID="1039" 
v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(0,-4.86)">
+                                               <title>Rectangle.38</title>
+                                               <v:userDefs>
+                                                       <v:ud 
v:nameU="visVersion" v:val="VT0(15):26"/>
+                                               </v:userDefs>
+                                               <rect x="0" y="123.913" 
width="22.3966" height="8.99999" class="st3"/>
+                                       </g>
+                                       <g id="shape1040-71" v:mID="1040" 
v:groupContext="shape" v:layerMember="0"
+                                               <title>Dynamic 
+                                               <path d="M9 137.41 L9 146.41" 
+                                       </g>
+                                       <g id="shape1041-74" v:mID="1041" 
v:groupContext="shape" v:layerMember="0"
+                                               <title>Dynamic 
+                                               <path d="M9 137.41 L9 146.41" 
+                                       </g>
+                                       <g id="shape1042-77" v:mID="1042" 
v:groupContext="shape" v:layerMember="0" transform="translate(-3.40084,-18)">
+                                               <title>Dynamic 
+                                               <path d="M9 137.41 L9 146.41" 
+                                       </g>
+                               </g>
-                       <path
-   d="m 0,591.5 a 20.5,20.5 0 0 1 41,0 20.5,20.5 0 1 1 -41,0 z"
-   class="st6"
-   id="path149"
-   inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
-   style="fill:#ffd965;stroke:#c7c8c8;stroke-width:0.25" />
-                       <text
-   x="12.4"
-   y="594.5"
-   class="st4"
-   v:langID="1033"
-   id="text151"
-   style="fill:#feffff;font-family:Calibri"><v:paragraph
-   v:horizAlign="1" /><v:tabList />W ..</text>
-               </g>
-               <g
-   id="shape20-83"
-   v:mID="20"
-   v:groupContext="shape"
-   transform="matrix(0.77644652,0,0,0.77644652,389.70366,-243.34865)">
-                       <title
-   id="title154">Circle.20</title>
-                       <desc
-   id="desc156">W N</desc>
-                       <v:userDefs>
-                               <v:ud
-   v:nameU="visVersion"
-   v:val="VT0(15):26" />
-                       </v:userDefs>
-                       <v:textBlock
-   v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)" />
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-   cx="20.5"
-   cy="591.5"
-   width="35.88"
-   height="30.75" />
-                       <g
-   id="shadow20-84"
-   v:groupContext="shadow"
-   v:shadowOffsetX="0.345598"
-   v:shadowOffsetY="-1.97279"
-   v:shadowType="1"
-   transform="translate(0.345598,1.97279)"
-   class="st1"
-   style="visibility:visible">
-                               <path
-   d="m 0,591.5 a 20.5,20.5 0 0 1 41,0 20.5,20.5 0 1 1 -41,0 z"
-   class="st2"
-   id="path159"
-   inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
+                       <g id="shape1044-80" v:mID="1044" 
v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(651.291,179.381) rotate(179.228)">
+                               <title>Simple Arrow.1044</title>
+                               <desc>Out Intf</desc>
+                               <v:userDefs>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" 
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="ArrowType" v:prompt="" 
+                               </v:userDefs>
+                               <v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/>
+                               <v:textRect cx="30.3028" cy="132.913" 
width="60.61" height="0" transform="rotate(180)"/>
+                               <path d="M0 132.91 L12 120.92 L12 126.92 L60.61 
126.92 L60.61 132.91 L60.61 138.91 L12 138.91 L12 144.91 L0 132.91
+                                                        Z" class="st1"/>
+                               <text x="-46.13" y="-129.91" 
transform="rotate(180)" class="st2" v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph 
v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Out Intf</text>                     </g>
+                       <g id="shape1045-83" v:mID="1045" 
v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(67.8,-50.9334)">
+                               <title>Rounded Rectangle.1045</title>
+                               <desc>RX Core</desc>
+                               <v:userDefs>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="CTypeTopLeftSnip" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="CTypeTopRightSnip" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="CTypeBotLeftSnip" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="CTypeBotRightSnip" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockHoriz" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(1):5"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockVert" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(1):5"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockDiag" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="TopLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="TopRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="BotLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="BotRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" v:prompt="" 
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="TopLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.0703125):1"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="TopRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.0703125):1"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="BotLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.0703125):1"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="BotRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.0703125):1"/>
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+                               <v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/>
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width="50.63" height="63"/>
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5.06242 -180 0 0 50.62 127.85 L50.62 74.98 A5.06242 5.06242 -180 0 0
+                                                        45.56 69.91 L5.06 
69.91 A5.06242 5.06242 -180 0 0 0 74.98 L0 127.85 A5.06242 5.06242 -180 0 0 
5.06 132.91
+                                                        Z" class="st5"/>
+                               <text x="17.88" y="88.81" class="st6" 
+                                                       x="11.97" dy="2.4em" 
class="st7">Core</tspan></text>                    </g>
+                       <g id="shape1056-87" v:mID="1056" 
v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(532.5,-54)">
+                               <title>Rounded Rectangle.1056</title>
+                               <desc>TX Core</desc>
+                               <v:userDefs>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="CTypeTopLeftSnip" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="CTypeTopRightSnip" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="CTypeBotLeftSnip" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="CTypeBotRightSnip" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockHoriz" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(1):5"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockVert" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(1):5"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockDiag" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="TopLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="TopRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="BotLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="BotRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" v:prompt="" 
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="TopLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.0703125):1"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="TopRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.0703125):1"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="BotLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.0703125):1"/>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="BotRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.0703125):1"/>
+                               </v:userDefs>
+                               <v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/>
+                               <v:textRect cx="25.3125" cy="101.413" 
width="50.63" height="63"/>
+                               <path d="M5.06 132.91 L45.56 132.91 A5.06242 
5.06242 -180 0 0 50.62 127.85 L50.62 74.98 A5.06242 5.06242 -180 0 0
+                                                        45.56 69.91 L5.06 
69.91 A5.06242 5.06242 -180 0 0 0 74.98 L0 127.85 A5.06242 5.06242 -180 0 0 
5.06 132.91
+                                                        Z" class="st5"/>
+                               <text x="18.27" y="88.81" class="st6" 
+                                                       x="11.97" dy="2.4em" 
class="st7">Core</tspan></text>                    </g>
+                       <g id="shape1057-91" v:mID="1057" 
v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(123.188,-59.0334)">
+                               <title>Rectangle.1057</title>
+                               <desc>Atomic Q 1</desc>
+                               <v:userDefs>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" 
+                               </v:userDefs>
+                               <v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/>
+                               <v:textRect cx="29.8125" cy="123.797" 
width="59.63" height="18.2334"/>
+                               <rect x="0" y="114.68" width="59.625" 
height="18.2334" class="st8"/>
+                               <text x="7.19" y="126.8" class="st9" 
v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Atomic Q 1</text>    
+                       <g id="shape1058-94" v:mID="1058" 
v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(295.5,-59.4)">
+                               <title>Rectangle.1058</title>
+                               <desc>Atomic Q 2</desc>
+                               <v:userDefs>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" 
+                               </v:userDefs>
+                               <v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/>
+                               <v:textRect cx="29.8125" cy="123.797" 
width="59.63" height="18.2334"/>
+                               <rect x="0" y="114.68" width="59.625" 
height="18.2334" class="st8"/>
+                               <text x="7.19" y="126.8" class="st9" 
v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Atomic Q 2</text>    
+                       <g id="shape1059-97" v:mID="1059" 
v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(460.687,-58.3167)">
+                               <title>Rectangle.1059</title>
+                               <desc>Single Link</desc>
+                               <v:userDefs>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" 
+                               </v:userDefs>
+                               <v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/>
+                               <v:textRect cx="29.8125" cy="123.797" 
width="59.63" height="18.2334"/>
+                               <rect x="0" y="114.68" width="59.625" 
height="18.2334" class="st8"/>
+                               <text x="8.47" y="126.8" class="st9" 
v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Single Link</text>   
+                       <g id="shape1060-100" v:mID="1060" 
v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(198,-1.2)">
+                               <title>Rectangle.1060</title>
+                               <desc>Stage 1</desc>
+                               <v:userDefs>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" 
+                               </v:userDefs>
+                               <v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/>
+                               <v:textRect cx="29.8125" cy="123.797" 
width="59.63" height="18.2334"/>
+                               <rect x="0" y="114.68" width="59.625" 
height="18.2334" class="st8"/>
+                               <text x="14.94" y="126.8" class="st9" 
v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Stage 1</text>       
+                       <g id="shape1061-103" v:mID="1061" 
v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(366.188,0)">
+                               <title>Rectangle.1061</title>
+                               <desc>Stage 2</desc>
+                               <v:userDefs>
+                                       <v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" 
+                               </v:userDefs>
+                               <v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)"/>
+                               <v:textRect cx="29.8125" cy="123.797" 
width="59.63" height="18.2334"/>
+                               <rect x="0" y="114.68" width="59.625" 
height="18.2334" class="st8"/>
+                               <text x="14.94" y="126.8" class="st9" 
v:langID="1033"><v:paragraph v:horizAlign="1"/><v:tabList/>Stage 2</text>       
+                       <g id="group1062-106" 
transform="translate(199.2,-18.7134)" v:mID="1062" v:groupContext="group">
+                               <title>Sheet.1062</title>
+                               <g id="shape1052-107" v:mID="1052" 
v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(18.66,-50.7)">
+                                       <title>Rounded Rectangle.1049</title>
+                                       <desc>Worker4 Core</desc>
+                                       <v:userDefs>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeTopLeftSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeTopRightSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeBotLeftSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeBotRightSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockHoriz" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(1):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockVert" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(1):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockDiag" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(15):26"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.097416666666665):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.097416666666665):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.097416666666665):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.097416666666665):1"/>
+                                       </v:userDefs>
+                                       <v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)" 
+                                       <v:textRect cx="35.07" cy="101.413" 
width="70.14" height="63"/>
+                                       <path d="M7.01 132.91 L63.13 132.91 
A7.01389 7.01389 -180 0 0 70.14 125.9 L70.14 76.93 A7.01389 7.01389 -180
+                                                                0 0 63.13 
69.91 L7.01 69.91 A7.01389 7.01389 -180 0 0 0 76.93 L0 125.9 A7.01389 7.01389 
-180 0 0
+                                                                7.01 132.91 Z" 
+                                       <text x="13.63" y="84.71" class="st10" 
+                                                               x="21.72" 
dy="2.357em" class="st11">Core</tspan></text>                         </g>
+                               <g id="shape1053-111" v:mID="1053" 
v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(12.9,-33.6)">
+                                       <title>Rounded Rectangle.1048</title>
+                                       <desc>Worker3 Core</desc>
+                                       <v:userDefs>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeTopLeftSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeTopRightSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeBotLeftSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeBotRightSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockHoriz" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(1):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockVert" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(1):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockDiag" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(15):26"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.099166666666667):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.099166666666667):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.099166666666667):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.099166666666667):1"/>
+                                       </v:userDefs>
+                                       <v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)" 
+                                       <v:textRect cx="35.7" cy="101.413" 
width="71.4" height="63"/>
+                                       <path d="M7.14 132.91 L64.26 132.91 
A7.13988 7.13988 -180 0 0 71.4 125.77 L71.4 77.05 A7.13988 7.13988 -180 0
+                                                                0 64.26 69.91 
L7.14 69.91 A7.13988 7.13988 -180 0 0 0 77.05 L0 125.77 A7.13988 7.13988 -180 0 0
+                                                                7.14 132.91 Z" 
+                                       <text x="14.26" y="84.71" class="st10" 
+                                                               x="22.35" 
dy="2.357em" class="st11">Core</tspan></text>                         </g>
+                               <g id="shape1054-115" v:mID="1054" 
v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(5.89875,-16.8)">
+                                       <title>Rounded Rectangle.1047</title>
+                                       <desc>Worker2 Core</desc>
+                                       <v:userDefs>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeTopLeftSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeTopRightSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeBotLeftSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeBotRightSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockHoriz" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(1):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockVert" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(1):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockDiag" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(15):26"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.097953125):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.097953125):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.097953125):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.097953125):1"/>
+                                       </v:userDefs>
+                                       <v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)" 
+                                       <v:textRect cx="35.2631" cy="101.413" 
width="70.53" height="63"/>
+                                       <path d="M7.05 132.91 L63.47 132.91 
A7.05251 7.05251 -180 0 0 70.53 125.86 L70.53 76.97 A7.05251 7.05251 -180
+                                                                0 0 63.47 
69.91 L7.05 69.91 A7.05251 7.05251 -180 0 0 0 76.97 L0 125.86 A7.05251 7.05251 
-180 0
+                                                                0 7.05 132.91 
Z" class="st5"/>
+                                       <text x="13.82" y="84.71" class="st10" 
+                                                               x="21.92" 
dy="2.357em" class="st11">Core</tspan></text>                         </g>
+                               <g id="shape1055-119" v:mID="1055" 
+                                       <title>Rounded Rectangle.1046</title>
+                                       <desc>Worker1 Core</desc>
+                                       <v:userDefs>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeTopLeftSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeTopRightSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeBotLeftSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeBotRightSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockHoriz" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(1):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockVert" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(1):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockDiag" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(15):26"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.098333333333333):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.098333333333333):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.098333333333333):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.098333333333333):1"/>
+                                       </v:userDefs>
+                                       <v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)" 
+                                       <v:textRect cx="35.4" cy="101.413" 
width="70.8" height="63"/>
+                                       <path d="M7.08 132.91 L63.72 132.91 
A7.07988 7.07988 -180 0 0 70.8 125.83 L70.8 76.99 A7.07988 7.07988 -180 0
+                                                                0 63.72 69.91 
L7.08 69.91 A7.07988 7.07988 -180 0 0 0 76.99 L0 125.83 A7.07988 7.07988 -180 0 0
+                                                                7.08 132.91 Z" 
+                                       <text x="13.96" y="84.71" class="st10" 
+                                                               x="22.05" 
dy="2.357em" class="st11">Core</tspan></text>                         </g>
-                       <path
-   d="m 0,591.5 a 20.5,20.5 0 0 1 41,0 20.5,20.5 0 1 1 -41,0 z"
-   class="st6"
-   id="path161"
-   inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
-   style="fill:#ffd965;stroke:#c7c8c8;stroke-width:0.25" />
-                       <text
-   x="11.69"
-   y="594.5"
-   class="st4"
-   v:langID="1033"
-   id="text163"
-   style="fill:#feffff;font-family:Calibri"><v:paragraph
-   v:horizAlign="1" /><v:tabList />W N</text>
-               </g>
-               <g
-   id="shape21-89"
-   v:mID="21"
-   v:groupContext="shape"
-   transform="matrix(0.77644652,0,0,0.77644652,389.70366,-348.94537)">
-                       <title
-   id="title166">Circle.21</title>
-                       <desc
-   id="desc168">W 1</desc>
-                       <v:userDefs>
-                               <v:ud
-   v:nameU="visVersion"
-   v:val="VT0(15):26" />
-                       </v:userDefs>
-                       <v:textBlock
-   v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)" />
-                       <v:textRect
-   cx="20.5"
-   cy="591.5"
-   width="35.88"
-   height="30.75" />
-                       <g
-   id="shadow21-90"
-   v:groupContext="shadow"
-   v:shadowOffsetX="0.345598"
-   v:shadowOffsetY="-1.97279"
-   v:shadowType="1"
-   transform="translate(0.345598,1.97279)"
-   class="st1"
-   style="visibility:visible">
-                               <path
-   d="m 0,591.5 a 20.5,20.5 0 0 1 41,0 20.5,20.5 0 1 1 -41,0 z"
-   class="st2"
-   id="path171"
-   inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
+                       <g id="group1063-123" 
transform="translate(369.6,-18.6)" v:mID="1063" v:groupContext="group">
+                               <title>Sheet.1063</title>
+                               <g id="shape1064-124" v:mID="1064" 
v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(18.66,-50.7)">
+                                       <title>Rounded Rectangle.1049</title>
+                                       <desc>Worker4 Core</desc>
+                                       <v:userDefs>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeTopLeftSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeTopRightSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeBotLeftSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeBotRightSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockHoriz" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(1):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockVert" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(1):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockDiag" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(15):26"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.097416666666665):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.097416666666665):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.097416666666665):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.097416666666665):1"/>
+                                       </v:userDefs>
+                                       <v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)" 
+                                       <v:textRect cx="35.07" cy="101.413" 
width="70.14" height="63"/>
+                                       <path d="M7.01 132.91 L63.13 132.91 
A7.01389 7.01389 -180 0 0 70.14 125.9 L70.14 76.93 A7.01389 7.01389 -180
+                                                                0 0 63.13 
69.91 L7.01 69.91 A7.01389 7.01389 -180 0 0 0 76.93 L0 125.9 A7.01389 7.01389 
-180 0 0
+                                                                7.01 132.91 Z" 
+                                       <text x="13.63" y="84.71" class="st10" 
+                                                               x="21.72" 
dy="2.357em" class="st11">Core</tspan></text>                         </g>
+                               <g id="shape1065-128" v:mID="1065" 
v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(12.9,-33.6)">
+                                       <title>Rounded Rectangle.1048</title>
+                                       <desc>Worker3 Core</desc>
+                                       <v:userDefs>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeTopLeftSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeTopRightSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeBotLeftSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeBotRightSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockHoriz" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(1):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockVert" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(1):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockDiag" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="visVersion" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(15):26"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.099166666666667):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="TopRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.099166666666667):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotLeftOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.099166666666667):1"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="BotRightOffset" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.099166666666667):1"/>
+                                       </v:userDefs>
+                                       <v:textBlock v:margins="rect(4,4,4,4)" 
+                                       <v:textRect cx="35.7" cy="101.413" 
width="71.4" height="63"/>
+                                       <path d="M7.14 132.91 L64.26 132.91 
A7.13988 7.13988 -180 0 0 71.4 125.77 L71.4 77.05 A7.13988 7.13988 -180 0
+                                                                0 64.26 69.91 
L7.14 69.91 A7.13988 7.13988 -180 0 0 0 77.05 L0 125.77 A7.13988 7.13988 -180 0 0
+                                                                7.14 132.91 Z" 
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dy="2.357em" class="st11">Core</tspan></text>                         </g>
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v:groupContext="shape" transform="translate(5.89875,-16.8)">
+                                       <title>Rounded Rectangle.1047</title>
+                                       <desc>Worker2 Core</desc>
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69.91 L7.05 69.91 A7.05251 7.05251 -180 0 0 0 76.97 L0 125.86 A7.05251 7.05251 
-180 0
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Z" class="st5"/>
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+                                                               x="21.92" 
dy="2.357em" class="st11">Core</tspan></text>                         </g>
+                               <g id="shape1067-136" v:mID="1067" 
+                                       <title>Rounded Rectangle.1046</title>
+                                       <desc>Worker1 Core</desc>
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+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeTopLeftSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud 
v:nameU="CTypeTopRightSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
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v:nameU="CTypeBotLeftSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
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v:nameU="CTypeBotRightSnip" v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
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v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(1):5"/>
+                                               <v:ud v:nameU="CornerLockVert" 
v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(1):5"/>
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v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0):5"/>
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v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
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v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
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v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
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v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.15):1"/>
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v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(15):26"/>
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v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.098333333333333):1"/>
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v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.098333333333333):1"/>
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v:prompt="" v:val="VT0(0.098333333333333):1"/>
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L7.08 69.91 A7.07988 7.07988 -180 0 0 0 76.99 L0 125.83 A7.07988 7.07988 -180 0 0
+                                                                7.08 132.91 Z" 
+                                       <text x="13.96" y="84.71" class="st10" 
+                                                               x="22.05" 
dy="2.357em" class="st11">Core</tspan></text>                         </g>
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-   transform="matrix(0.77644652,0,0,0.77644652,345.12321,-305.07614)">
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-   id="title178">Dynamic connector.28</title>
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-   d="m 0,603 50.38,0"
-   class="st7"
-   id="path180"
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-   transform="matrix(0.77644652,0,0,0.77644652,345.12321,-312.06416)">
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-   id="title183">Dynamic connector.29</title>
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-   d="m 0,612 28.33,0 0,-68 22.05,0"
-   class="st7"
-   id="path185"
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-   v:layerMember="0"
-   transform="matrix(0.77644652,0,0,0.77644652,345.12321,-312.06416)">
-                       <title
-   id="title188">Dynamic connector.30</title>
-                       <path
-   d="m 0,612 28.33,0 0,68 22.05,0"
-   class="st7"
-   id="path190"
-   inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
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-   id="shape31-110"
-   v:mID="31"
-   v:groupContext="shape"
-   v:layerMember="0"
-   transform="matrix(0.77644652,0,0,0.77644652,421.53797,-259.2658)">
-                       <title
-   id="title193">Dynamic connector.31</title>
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-   d="m 0,612 24.42,0 0,-68 25.96,0"
-   class="st7"
-   id="path195"
-   inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
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-   id="shape32-115"
-   v:mID="32"
-   v:groupContext="shape"
-   v:layerMember="0"
-   transform="matrix(0.77644652,0,0,0.77644652,421.53797,-305.07614)">
-                       <title
-   id="title198">Dynamic connector.32</title>
-                       <path
-   d="m 0,603 50.38,0"
-   class="st7"
-   id="path200"
-   inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
-               </g>
-               <g
-   id="shape33-120"
-   v:mID="33"
-   v:groupContext="shape"
-   v:layerMember="0"
-   transform="matrix(0.77644652,0,0,0.77644652,421.53797,-364.86253)">
-                       <title
-   id="title203">Dynamic connector.33</title>
-                       <path
-   d="m 0,612 24.42,0 0,68 25.96,0"
-   class="st7"
-   id="path205"
-   inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
-               </g>
-               <g
-   id="shape34-125"
-   v:mID="34"
-   v:groupContext="shape"
-   v:layerMember="0"
-   transform="matrix(0.77644652,0,0,0.77644652,252.79052,-364.86253)">
-                       <title
-   id="title208">Dynamic connector.34</title>
-                       <path
-   d="m 0,612 26.88,0 0,68 23.5,0"
-   class="st7"
-   id="path210"
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-   v:mID="5"
-   v:groupContext="shape"
-   transform="matrix(0.77644652,0,0,0.77644652,556.00223,-296.89447)"><title
-     id="title64-5">Circle</title><desc
-     id="desc66-2">RX</desc><v:userDefs><v:ud
-       v:nameU="visVersion"
-       v:val="VT0(15):26" /></v:userDefs><v:textBlock
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-     cx="20.5"
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-     v:shadowOffsetY="-1.97279"
-     v:shadowType="1"
-     transform="translate(0.345598,1.97279)"
-     class="st1"
-     style="visibility:visible"><path
-       d="m 0,591.5 a 20.5,20.5 0 0 1 41,0 20.5,20.5 0 1 1 -41,0 z"
-       class="st2"
-       id="path69-6"
-       inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
-     d="m 0,591.5 a 20.5,20.5 0 0 1 41,0 20.5,20.5 0 1 1 -41,0 z"
-     class="st6"
-     id="path71-1"
-     inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
-     style="fill:#ffd965;stroke:#c7c8c8;stroke-width:0.25" /><text
-     x="11.06866"
-     y="596.56067"
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-     id="text73-4"
-     style="fill:#feffff;font-family:Calibri"> TX</text>
-   id="shape28-95-5"
-   v:mID="28"
-   v:groupContext="shape"
-   v:layerMember="0"
-   transform="matrix(0.77644652,0,0,0.77644652,512.00213,-305.42637)"><title
-     id="title178-7">Dynamic connector.28</title><path
-     d="m 0,603 50.38,0"
-     class="st7"
-     id="path180-6"
-     inkscape:connector-curvature="0"
+       </g>

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