Hi Shahaf, > On 23 May 2018, at 07:21, Shahaf Shuler <shah...@mellanox.com> wrote: > I think this patch addressing just small issue in a bigger problem. > The way I see it all application needs to specify is the max packet size it > expects to receive, nothing else(!).
[...] > IMO The "jumbo_frame" bit can be set by the underlying PMD directly to the > device registers given the max_rx_pkt_len configuration. Sure, it can be deducted in PMD if max_rx_pkt_len is greater than the normal frame size. The background behind this patch was to fix some examples on some platforms by allowing them to just set the jumbo bit in config and let the DPDK to deduct the optimal jumbo max_rx_pkt_len. There was also another patch which fixed those examples, so they first query the max_rx_pkt_len and then pass it with the config: http://dpdk.org/commit/5e470a6654 That patch has been merged, so now we can fix/change the API in any way we decide, there is no urgency anymore. Looks like the jumbo bit in config is redundant, but there might be other opinions. Andriy