For the last 3 weeks we have had an 30min inter-company weekly sync on the
release status of the current DPDK release.

It is mainly intended for DPDK Committers to discuss the status of the master
and sub-trees. It is also intended as an update for project managers who need
to track progress or milestone dates.

The meeting occurs on Thursdays at 8:30 UTC. If you wish to attend just send
me and email and I will send you the invite. I will forward the minutes on a
weekly basis.

Please note in particular:
    * The need for someone to manage the issues in Bugzilla
    * The request for "Tested Platforms" information.

Minutes 17 May 2018 09:32

    RC4 Status


RC4 Status
     Status of the Subtrees
        * Crypto
            * About 4 patches remaining to be merged
        * Next-net
            * Will pull from virtio
            * Also will pull from vendor subtrees
            * Bug fix patches today on Intel sub-sub tree
        * Thomas will continue to merge subtrees until RC5
        * Thomas asked if we can we pull from subtrees more frequently
            * Maintainers agreed
            * All STV to test fixes on latest main
        * Vhost
            * Only 1 remaining patch to be reviewed/merged
            * Can be merged soon
        * Eventdev
            * Nothing remaining to be merged
        * Pipeline
            * Nothing remaining to be merged

Validation status for RC4
   * Intel
       * No showstoppers after RC4
       * Testing looking gook good
       * More stable
   * Mellanox
       * Tracking defects
       * Mainly PMD fixes
   * Cavium
       *  Mainly driver fixes and testing
   * NXP
       * No major items
       * Note: can all validation teams submit a Tested
         Platforms section to the release notes. Like this:

   * DPDK will now compile with GCC8
   * However Lagopus (and other applications) don't compile against DPDK
   * Patches from Andy Green (24 patches) to address some/all of these issues
   * Let's review the patches one-by-one

Issue with Clang build
   * Fix submitted

   * We need someone to manage the open defects on Bugzilla
   * Required task would be to check defects, set importance/priority, report
     to this meeting once a week.

Vhost-user perf drop after CVE fixes.
   * Perf drop higher than expected. 8% in vector 1-2% in other path.
   * What should we do about this
   * Mainly in the vector path
   * Won't have time to fix in this release
   * Very specific use case
  * Will track in Bugzilla:
   * Will also document this as a known issue in the Release Notes

   * RC5 targeted for Monday 21 May
   * RC6 for doc and critical fixes and deprecation notices
   * Release date May 25th. 2018!!

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