Hi, Yes, the program is running as root. I want to know if or not the DPDK Community considers about resource recycling.
From: Masaru Oki [mailto:m-...@stratosphere.co.jp] Date: 2014?9?5? 11:18 To: Zhangkun (K) Cc: dev at dpdk.org Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] Are there considerations about resource recycling by the process, not by the OS? Hi, you may try $ gdb your_program gdb> b rte_panic gdb> run stopped at rte_panic gdb> bt sorry, it is not answer for your question. by the way, do you run the program as root? 2014-09-05 12:07 GMT+09:00 Zhangkun (K) <zhang.zhangkun at huawei.com<mailto:zhang.zhangkun at huawei.com>>: Hi, I develop the program with the use of dpdk and the process is core dump when the program is started. The process is crash in case of initing memory failed and calling rte_panic function. I search all rte_panic function in the dpdk, and find it so many. Therefore, in case the pr ocess happen fail, it will abort. The resource allocated before is not released by the process, but by the OS system. So I have a question: Are there considerations about resource recycling by the process, not by the OS ?