> From: lukego at gmail.com [mailto:lukego at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Luke > Gorrie > > On 22 October 2014 15:48, O'driscoll, Tim <tim.o'driscoll at intel.com> wrote: > > Single Virtio Driver: Merge existing Virtio drivers into a single > implementation, incorporating > the best features from each of the existing drivers. > > Cool. Do you have a strategy in mind already for zero-copy optimisation with > VMDq? I have > seen some patches floating around for this and it's an area of active > interest for myself and > others. I see a lot of potential for making this work more effectively with > some modest > extensions to Virtio and guest behaviour, and would love to meet kindred > spirits who are > thinking along these lines too.
At the moment, we're not planning any additional work in this area. We would be interested in hearing more details on your thoughts for improvements in this area though, and I'm sure others in the community would be interested in this too. Have you thought about submitting an RFC to prompt a discussion on this? Tim