Thanks Daniel. I'm sure the many people who've put a lot of time and effort 
into building DPDK will really appreciate your kind words.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: dev [mailto:dev-bounces at] On Behalf Of daniel chapiesky
> Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 9:47 PM
> To: dev at
> Subject: [dpdk-dev] to the intel dpdk engineers and all contributors
> I just watched the closing remarks by Tim Driscol at the dpdk summit....
> At time 4:30, he mentioned the "shock to the system" of developers
> expecting a pat on the back and instead receiving critiques of their code.....
> I realized that I was one of those who failed to acknowledge the incredible
> work the Intel Engineers and other contributors have produced.
> Please let me acknowledge all of you and your efforts with a few comments:
> 1) Kudos!!:
> 2) The Packet Framework made me run around waving my hands in the air
> yelling: "This is freaking awesome! I don't have to write it myself!!!"
> 3) The layered architecture is elegant.
> 4) Examples???? The examples are wonderful! Those who wrote the
> examples are my heroes.
> 5) Docs? Clear, to the point, and better than the other projects we depend
> upon (you know who you are)
> 6) 6Wind - Thank you for taking on the management of the repository and
> website - your coordination effort is truly appreciated
> 7) Did I say the Packet Framework saved me so much time I was actually able
> to cut back my coffee intake by 10%!!!!
> 8) Windriver - PktGen!!!!!  (though I really want to know more about
> mcos....)
> Finally,
> I recently received a pat on the back for the application I have developed.
> In truth, that pat should be passed on, since my application depends so
> heavily on DPDK.
> Thank you.
> I encourage others to let the Intel Engineers and contributors know how
> much we appreciate the time and effort they have given to DPDK.
> Sincerely,
> Daniel Chapiesky
> AllSource

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