Hello All,

When a outgoing packet is sent with data Len more than 1514 which will be a 
case in VLAN (Max 1518 ) the packet is getting dropped because of the below 
code snippet. This looks incorrect as in case of VLAN .
FUNCTION NAME: vmxnet3_xmit_pkts

/* Needs to minus ether header len */
                                                if(txm->pkt.data_len > 
(hw->cur_mtu + ETHER_HDR_LEN)) {
PMD_TX_LOG(DEBUG, "Packet data_len higher than MTU\n");


#define ETHER_ADDR_LEN  6 /**< Length of Ethernet address. */
#define ETHER_TYPE_LEN  2 /**< Length of Ethernet type field. */
#define ETHER_CRC_LEN   4 /**< Length of Ethernet CRC. */
#define ETHER_HDR_LEN   \
            (ETHER_ADDR_LEN * 2 + ETHER_TYPE_LEN) /**< Length of Ethernet 
header. */

But in case of VLAN the Ethernet header is 18 bytes. Does this mean we do not 
support VLAN for VMXNET3 PMD? Thanks.

Suyash Karmarkar

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