v6 changes
- add commit log description to link bondig mode 4

v5 changes
- fix compilation errors when CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_PMD_BOND=n

v4 changes:
- fix compilation error when building without mbuf refcnt
- testpmd: add slave state information in "show bonding config X" command
- change patch dependency to Declan Doherty v6

v3 changes:
This is a rework of previous patchset. Basic functionality is the same but
contain following changes:
- use one global array of slaves instead separate instance for every bonded
  device (reduce memory usage). This also allow use of port id instead of
  offsetting to current active slaves.
- make mode 4 immune to partner timings standard violation.
- fix possible buffer overflow in RX function if caller provide buffer
  that is less than received packets (additional slow packets).
- change/fix promiscus mode and MAC management.
- fix compiling issues on gcc version less than 4.5
- bring API for tunig mode 4 parameters and expose mode 4 frames structure.
- prevent console flood with warning messages if mode 4 RX/TX buffers are full.

- add mode 4 support (force periodic TX if no packets received during 100ms
  period). Some forwardning modes (ex. rx only) does not allow mode 4 usage.
- 'port start X' - check if X is valid value

v2 changes:
New version handles race issues with setting/cancelin callbacks,
fixes promiscus mode setting in mode 4 and some other minor errors in mode 4

changes not related to mode 4:
- fix memcpy() usage in bond_ethdev_tx_burst_balance() (OOM/undfined behaviour
  if TX burst fail)

This patch set add support for dynamic link aggregation (mode 4) to the
librte_pmd_bond library. This mode provides auto negotiation/configuration 
of peers and well as link status changes monitoring using out of band 
LACP (link aggregation control protocol) messages. For further details of
LACP specification see the IEEE 802.3ad/802.1AX standards. It is also
described here

In this implementation we have an array of mode 4 settings for each slave.
There is also assumption that for every port is one aggregator (it might
be unused if better is found).

Difference in this implementation vs Linux implementation:
- this implementation it is not directly based on state machines but current
  state is calculated from actor and partner states (and other things too).

Some implementation details:
- during rx burst every packet Is checked if this is LACP or marker packet.
  If it is LACP frame it is passed to mode 4 logic using slaves rx ring  and 
  removed from rx buffer before it is returned
- in tx burst, packets from mode 4 (if any) are injected into each slave.
- there is a timer running in background to process/produce mode 4 
  frames form rx/to tx functions.

Some requirements for this mode:
- for LACP mode to work rx and tx burst functions must be invoked
  at least in 100ms intervals (testpmd modified to satisfy this requirement)
- provided buffer to rx burst should be at least 2x slave count size. This is
  not needed but might increase performance especially during initial

Pawel Wodkowski (2):
  bond: add mode 4 support v6
  testpmd: add mode 4 support v6

 app/test-pmd/cmdline.c                            |   28 +-
 app/test-pmd/csumonly.c                           |    9 +
 app/test-pmd/icmpecho.c                           |   21 +-
 app/test-pmd/iofwd.c                              |    9 +
 app/test-pmd/macfwd-retry.c                       |    9 +
 app/test-pmd/macfwd.c                             |    9 +
 app/test-pmd/macswap.c                            |    9 +
 app/test-pmd/testpmd.c                            |   50 +-
 app/test-pmd/testpmd.h                            |   11 +-
 lib/librte_ether/rte_ether.h                      |    1 +
 lib/librte_pmd_bond/Makefile                      |    2 +
 lib/librte_pmd_bond/rte_eth_bond.h                |    5 +
 lib/librte_pmd_bond/rte_eth_bond_8023ad.c         | 1216 +++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/librte_pmd_bond/rte_eth_bond_8023ad.h         |  214 ++++
 lib/librte_pmd_bond/rte_eth_bond_8023ad_private.h |  308 ++++++
 lib/librte_pmd_bond/rte_eth_bond_api.c            |   91 +-
 lib/librte_pmd_bond/rte_eth_bond_args.c           |    1 +
 lib/librte_pmd_bond/rte_eth_bond_pmd.c            |  262 ++++-
 lib/librte_pmd_bond/rte_eth_bond_private.h        |   31 +-
 19 files changed, 2227 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 lib/librte_pmd_bond/rte_eth_bond_8023ad.c
 create mode 100644 lib/librte_pmd_bond/rte_eth_bond_8023ad.h
 create mode 100644 lib/librte_pmd_bond/rte_eth_bond_8023ad_private.h


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