Bug: when "core id" is greater than 9, the cpu_layout.py output doesn't align.

        Socket 0        Socket 1
        ---------       ---------
Core 9  [4, 16]         [10, 22]

Core 10         [5, 17]         [11, 23]

Solution: adjust output format to align based on the maximum length of the 
"core id" and "processor"

        Socket 0        Socket 1
        --------        --------
Core 9  [4, 16]         [10, 22]

Core 10 [5, 17]         [11, 23]

Signed-off-by: Shannon Zhao <zhaoshenglong at huawei.com>
 tools/cpu_layout.py | 14 ++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/cpu_layout.py b/tools/cpu_layout.py
index 9eff9d7..52d01a8 100755
--- a/tools/cpu_layout.py
+++ b/tools/cpu_layout.py
@@ -75,15 +75,21 @@ print "cores = ",cores
 print "sockets = ", sockets
 print ""

+max_processor_len = len(str(len(cores) * len(sockets) * 2 - 1))
+max_core_map_len = max_processor_len * 2 + len('[, ]') + len('Socket ')
+max_core_id_len = len(str(max(cores)))
+print " ".ljust(max_core_id_len + len('Core ')),
 for s in sockets:
-       print "\tSocket %s" % s,
+       print "Socket %s" % str(s).ljust(max_core_map_len - len('Socket ')),
 print ""
+print " ".ljust(max_core_id_len + len('Core ')),
 for s in sockets:
-       print "\t---------",
+       print "--------".ljust(max_core_map_len),
 print ""

 for c in cores:
-       print "Core %s" % c,
+       print "Core %s" % str(c).ljust(max_core_id_len),
        for s in sockets:
-               print "\t", core_map[(s,c)],
+               print str(core_map[(s,c)]).ljust(max_core_map_len),
        print "\n"

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