Please ignore previous patch v1, v2, just need apply this patch v3 for new API 
code changes.

This patch adds API to support queue start and stop functionality for RX/TX.
It allows RX and TX queue is started or stopped one by one, instead of starting
and stopping all of them at the same time.

Signed-off-by: Ouyang Changchun <changchun.ouyang at>
Tested-by: Waterman Cao <waterman.cao at>
 This patch passed L2 Forward , L3 Forward testing base on commit: 
 See test environment information as the following:
 Fedora 19 , Linux Kernel 3.9.0, GCC 4.8.2 X68_64, Intel Xeon processor E5-2600 
and E5-2600 v2 family
 lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_memory.c |   2 +-
 lib/librte_ether/rte_ethdev.c            | 104 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/librte_ether/rte_ethdev.h            |  80 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 185 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_memory.c 
index 5a10a80..8d1edd9 100644
--- a/lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_memory.c
+++ b/lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_memory.c
@@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ rte_mem_virt2phy(const void *virtaddr)
        uint64_t page, physaddr;
        unsigned long virt_pfn;
        int page_size;
+       off_t offset;

        /* standard page size */
        page_size = getpagesize();
@@ -145,7 +146,6 @@ rte_mem_virt2phy(const void *virtaddr)
                return RTE_BAD_PHYS_ADDR;

-       off_t offset;
        virt_pfn = (unsigned long)virtaddr / page_size;
        offset = sizeof(uint64_t) * virt_pfn;
        if (lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET) == (off_t) -1) {
diff --git a/lib/librte_ether/rte_ethdev.c b/lib/librte_ether/rte_ethdev.c
index a5727dd..df7cb07 100644
--- a/lib/librte_ether/rte_ethdev.c
+++ b/lib/librte_ether/rte_ethdev.c
@@ -292,6 +292,110 @@ rte_eth_dev_rx_queue_config(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, 
uint16_t nb_queues)
        return (0);

+rte_eth_dev_rx_queue_start(uint8_t port_id, uint16_t rx_queue_id)
+       struct rte_eth_dev *dev;
+       /* This function is only safe when called from the primary process
+        * in a multi-process setup*/
+       if (port_id >= nb_ports) {
+               PMD_DEBUG_TRACE("Invalid port_id=%d\n", port_id);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       dev = &rte_eth_devices[port_id];
+       if (rx_queue_id >= dev->data->nb_rx_queues) {
+               PMD_DEBUG_TRACE("Invalid RX queue_id=%d\n", rx_queue_id);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       FUNC_PTR_OR_ERR_RET(*dev->dev_ops->rx_queue_start, -ENOTSUP);
+       return dev->dev_ops->rx_queue_start(dev, rx_queue_id);
+rte_eth_dev_rx_queue_stop(uint8_t port_id, uint16_t rx_queue_id)
+       struct rte_eth_dev *dev;
+       /* This function is only safe when called from the primary process
+        * in a multi-process setup*/
+       if (port_id >= nb_ports) {
+               PMD_DEBUG_TRACE("Invalid port_id=%d\n", port_id);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       dev = &rte_eth_devices[port_id];
+       if (rx_queue_id >= dev->data->nb_rx_queues) {
+               PMD_DEBUG_TRACE("Invalid RX queue_id=%d\n", rx_queue_id);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       FUNC_PTR_OR_ERR_RET(*dev->dev_ops->rx_queue_stop, -ENOTSUP);
+       return dev->dev_ops->rx_queue_stop(dev, rx_queue_id);
+rte_eth_dev_tx_queue_start(uint8_t port_id, uint16_t tx_queue_id)
+       struct rte_eth_dev *dev;
+       /* This function is only safe when called from the primary process
+        * in a multi-process setup*/
+       if (port_id >= nb_ports) {
+               PMD_DEBUG_TRACE("Invalid port_id=%d\n", port_id);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       dev = &rte_eth_devices[port_id];
+       if (tx_queue_id >= dev->data->nb_tx_queues) {
+               PMD_DEBUG_TRACE("Invalid TX queue_id=%d\n", tx_queue_id);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       FUNC_PTR_OR_ERR_RET(*dev->dev_ops->tx_queue_start, -ENOTSUP);
+       return dev->dev_ops->tx_queue_start(dev, tx_queue_id);
+rte_eth_dev_tx_queue_stop(uint8_t port_id, uint16_t tx_queue_id)
+       struct rte_eth_dev *dev;
+       /* This function is only safe when called from the primary process
+        * in a multi-process setup*/
+       if (port_id >= nb_ports) {
+               PMD_DEBUG_TRACE("Invalid port_id=%d\n", port_id);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       dev = &rte_eth_devices[port_id];
+       if (tx_queue_id >= dev->data->nb_tx_queues) {
+               PMD_DEBUG_TRACE("Invalid TX queue_id=%d\n", tx_queue_id);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       FUNC_PTR_OR_ERR_RET(*dev->dev_ops->tx_queue_stop, -ENOTSUP);
+       return dev->dev_ops->tx_queue_stop(dev, tx_queue_id);
 static int
 rte_eth_dev_tx_queue_config(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t nb_queues)
diff --git a/lib/librte_ether/rte_ethdev.h b/lib/librte_ether/rte_ethdev.h
index d5ea46b..20e690d 100644
--- a/lib/librte_ether/rte_ethdev.h
+++ b/lib/librte_ether/rte_ethdev.h
@@ -480,6 +480,7 @@ struct rte_eth_vmdq_rx_conf {
        enum rte_eth_nb_pools nb_queue_pools; /**< VMDq only mode, 8 or 64 
pools */
        uint8_t enable_default_pool; /**< If non-zero, use a default pool */
        uint8_t default_pool; /**< The default pool, if applicable */
+       uint8_t enable_loop_back; /**< Enable VT loop back */
        uint8_t nb_pool_maps; /**< We can have up to 64 filters/mappings */
        struct {
                uint16_t vlan_id; /**< The vlan id of the received frame */
@@ -501,6 +502,7 @@ struct rte_eth_rxconf {
        struct rte_eth_thresh rx_thresh; /**< RX ring threshold registers. */
        uint16_t rx_free_thresh; /**< Drives the freeing of RX descriptors. */
        uint8_t rx_drop_en; /**< Drop packets if no descriptors are available. 
+       uint8_t start_rx_per_q; /**< start rx per queue. */

 #define ETH_TXQ_FLAGS_NOMULTSEGS 0x0001 /**< nb_segs=1 for all mbufs */
@@ -521,6 +523,7 @@ struct rte_eth_txconf {
        uint16_t tx_rs_thresh; /**< Drives the setting of RS bit on TXDs. */
        uint16_t tx_free_thresh; /**< Drives the freeing of TX buffers. */
        uint32_t txq_flags; /**< Set flags for the Tx queue */
+       uint8_t start_tx_per_q; /**< start tx per queue. */

@@ -859,6 +862,14 @@ typedef void (*eth_dev_infos_get_t)(struct rte_eth_dev 
                                    struct rte_eth_dev_info *dev_info);
 /**< @internal Get specific informations of an Ethernet device. */

+typedef int (*eth_queue_start_t)(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+                                   uint16_t queue_id);
+/**< @internal Start rx and tx of a queue of an Ethernet device. */
+typedef int (*eth_queue_stop_t)(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
+                                   uint16_t queue_id);
+/**< @internal Stop rx and tx of a queue of an Ethernet device. */
 typedef int (*eth_rx_queue_setup_t)(struct rte_eth_dev *dev,
                                    uint16_t rx_queue_id,
                                    uint16_t nb_rx_desc,
@@ -1099,6 +1110,10 @@ struct eth_dev_ops {
        vlan_tpid_set_t            vlan_tpid_set;      /**< Outer VLAN TPID 
Setup. */
        vlan_strip_queue_set_t     vlan_strip_queue_set; /**< VLAN Stripping on 
queue. */
        vlan_offload_set_t         vlan_offload_set; /**< Set VLAN Offload. */
+       eth_queue_start_t          rx_queue_start;/**< Start RX for a queue.*/
+       eth_queue_stop_t           rx_queue_stop;/**< Stop RX for a queue.*/
+       eth_queue_start_t          tx_queue_start;/**< Start TX for a queue.*/
+       eth_queue_stop_t           tx_queue_stop;/**< Stop TX for a queue.*/
        eth_rx_queue_setup_t       rx_queue_setup;/**< Set up device RX queue.*/
        eth_queue_release_t        rx_queue_release;/**< Release RX queue.*/
        eth_rx_queue_count_t       rx_queue_count; /**< Get Rx queue count. */
@@ -1448,6 +1463,71 @@ extern int rte_eth_tx_queue_setup(uint8_t port_id, 
uint16_t tx_queue_id,
 extern int rte_eth_dev_socket_id(uint8_t port_id);

+ * Start specified RX queue of a port
+ *
+ * @param port_id
+ *   The port identifier of the Ethernet device
+ * @param rx_queue_id
+ *   The index of the rx queue to update the ring.
+ *   The value must be in the range [0, nb_rx_queue - 1] previously supplied
+ *   to rte_eth_dev_configure().
+ * @return
+ *   - 0: Success, the transmit queue is correctly set up.
+ *   - -EINVAL: The port_id or the queue_id out of range.
+ *   - -ENOTSUP: The function not supported in PMD driver.
+ */
+extern int rte_eth_dev_rx_queue_start(uint8_t port_id, uint16_t rx_queue_id);
+ * Stop specified RX queue of a port
+ *
+ * @param port_id
+ *   The port identifier of the Ethernet device
+ * @param rx_queue_id
+ *   The index of the rx queue to update the ring.
+ *   The value must be in the range [0, nb_rx_queue - 1] previously supplied
+ *   to rte_eth_dev_configure().
+ * @return
+ *   - 0: Success, the transmit queue is correctly set up.
+ *   - -EINVAL: The port_id or the queue_id out of range.
+ *   - -ENOTSUP: The function not supported in PMD driver.
+ */
+extern int rte_eth_dev_rx_queue_stop(uint8_t port_id, uint16_t rx_queue_id);
+ * Start specified TX queue of a port
+ *
+ * @param port_id
+ *   The port identifier of the Ethernet device
+ * @param tx_queue_id
+ *   The index of the tx queue to update the ring.
+ *   The value must be in the range [0, nb_tx_queue - 1] previously supplied
+ *   to rte_eth_dev_configure().
+ * @return
+ *   - 0: Success, the transmit queue is correctly set up.
+ *   - -EINVAL: The port_id or the queue_id out of range.
+ *   - -ENOTSUP: The function not supported in PMD driver.
+ */
+extern int rte_eth_dev_tx_queue_start(uint8_t port_id, uint16_t tx_queue_id);
+ * Stop specified TX queue of a port
+ *
+ * @param port_id
+ *   The port identifier of the Ethernet device
+ * @param tx_queue_id
+ *   The index of the tx queue to update the ring.
+ *   The value must be in the range [0, nb_tx_queue - 1] previously supplied
+ *   to rte_eth_dev_configure().
+ * @return
+ *   - 0: Success, the transmit queue is correctly set up.
+ *   - -EINVAL: The port_id or the queue_id out of range.
+ *   - -ENOTSUP: The function not supported in PMD driver.
+ */
+extern int rte_eth_dev_tx_queue_stop(uint8_t port_id, uint16_t tx_queue_id);

  * Start an Ethernet device.

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