Hello , this is my third mail , the previous mails have not been answered

I justo need someone explains to me  how the librte_sched framework behaves
in a specific situation.

I have a managment application , this connects with a ring with the tx
core, when a user applies some configuration of the bandwith mangement ,
the tx core read the message in the ring parse the configuration in a
rte_port_params struct , subport_params and pipe_params, then creates a new
rte_sched from scratch , and then changes the pointer of the current
rte_sched_port currently doing scheduling and then the code execurte
rte_sched_port_free() for the unreference (reference by temporal pointer)
rte_sched_port . This is the only way i found for applying dinamic
configuration or changes to the qos framework.
So, with this, what happens with the packets attached to the old
rte_sched_port while is deleted? are those lost packets inside the
rte_sched_port generates memory leaks?  how can i recover this packets _
just dequeing from the port scheduler? Where the port scheduler  indicates
empty packets in the queu state?

Is there a better way to achieve this kind of behaviour? i just need to
update  the rte_sched_port configuration dinamically, and i want to change
the current pipe configuration and sub port configuration also.

Regards .

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