Tested-by: Waterman Cao <waterman.cao at intel.com>

Totally this patch is composed of 30 files including cover letter, and has been 
tested by Intel. 
We verified packet framework patch with ip pipeline example and unit test, all 
cases passed.
Please see test result as the following:  
  test_flow_management   Passed
  test_frame_sizes       Passed
  test_incremental_ip    Passed
  test_route_management  Passed   
  test_hash_tables       Passed
  test_lpm_table         Passed
  test_none_table        Passed
Test environment: Fedora 20, Linux Kernel 3.13.6-200, GCC 4.8.2, Intel Xeon 
processor E5-2680 v2, with Intel Niantic 82599.

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