Tested-by: Waterman Cao <waterman.cao at intel.com> This patch includes 4 files, and has been tested by Intel. Please see information as the following: Fedora 20 x86_64, Linux Kernel 3.11.10-301, GCC 4.8.2 Intel Xeon CPU E5-2680 v2 @ 2.80GHz NIC: Intel Niantic 82599, Intel i350, Intel 82580 and Intel 82576 We verified ethertype filter, 2-tuple filter, 5-tuple filter, flex filter and SYN filter with different NICs.
Total cases Passed Failed 18 16 2 Failure only related to priority of filter, no impact on functionality. Example: Show how to distribute specific packet to assigned queue Please launch testpmd firstly, then run the following command: ---add syn filter --- testpmd> add_syn_filter (port_id) priority (high|low) queue (queue_id) ---get syn filter info --- testpmd> get_syn_filter (port_id) ---remove syn filter --- testpmd> remove_syn_filter (port_id)