Hi Neil,

> Hey all-
>         I've been trying to update the fedora dpdk package to support VFIO
> enabled drivers and ran into a problem in which ixgbe didn't compile because 
> the
> rxtx_vec code uses sse4.2 instruction intrinsics, which aren't supported in 
> the
> default config I have.  I tried to remedy this by replacing the intrinsics 
> with
> the __builtin macros, but it was pointed out (correctly), that this doesn't 
> work
> properly.  So this is my second attempt, which I actually like a bit better.  
> I
> noted that code that uses intrinsics (ixgbe and the acl library), don't need 
> to
> have those instructions turned on build-wide.  Rather, we can just enable the
> instructions in the specific code we want to build with support for that, and
> test for instruction support dynamically at run time.  This allows me to build
> the dpdk for a generic platform, but in such a way that some optimizations can
> be used if the executing cpu supports them at run time.

Indeed it looks much better to me too.
Just few nits from me:

1. > @@ -112,6 +112,15 @@ rte_acl_create(const struct rte_acl_param *param)
>       struct rte_acl_list *acl_list;
>       struct rte_tailq_entry *te;
>       char name[sizeof(ctx->name)];
> +     static int acl_supported = -1;
> +
> +     if (acl_supported == -1)
> +             acl_supported = rte_cpu_get_flag_enabled(RTE_CPUFLAG_SSE4_2);

Do we really need acl_supported here?
It seems not a big deal to just always call  rte_cpu_get_flag_enabled().
After all it is a create function, and no-one expects it to be extremely fast.

2. Can you add RTE_LOG(ERR, ...) for re_acl_create() and 
ixgbe_rx_vec_condition_check() if sse4.2 is not supported?


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