Hello, I am trying to develop a low-latency application, and I measured the round trip latency with DPDK. However I got an average of 650~720 microseconds round-trip latency with Intel 82599 10Gbps NIC.
The experiment method is as follows. 2 machines (A and B) are connected back-to-back. Machine A embeds a time stamp in the packet and sends to B, B (use testpmd or l2fwd) forwards packets back to A immediately (A->B->A), and A receives packets and calculates time difference between current time and the embedded time stamp. (code : https://github.com/kay21s/dpdk/tree/master/examples/recv_send) I have 3 machines, and performing the above experiment on each pair leads to a similar latency. However, previous academic papers report that DPDK offers only a few 10 microseconds round trip latency. What's the round trip latency DPDK is supposed to offer? Have you measured it at Intel? Thanks a lot, Kai