actually I've used:
char* argv[] = {"./build/l2fwd","-c","ff","-n","4", NULL};
(NULL at the end of the list).


On 2/18/14, Hamid Ramazani <mrramazani at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm in need of running an open() function, that is part another program.
> open() does many things, the very first of them is rte_eal_init(argv, argc)
> I should not receive argc, and argv from main function of the program,
> but rather I should produce it myself.
> What I've done inside open() function is:
> int argc = 5;
> char* argv[] = {"./build/l2fwd","-c","ff","-n","4"};
> ret = rte_eal_init(argc,argv);
> But I receive: invalid EAL arguments.
> I'm thinking about writing another rte_eal_init function for myself.
> What do you think?
> Thanks in advance.

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