add structure definition to construct programming packet.
add commands to programming 6 flow types for the flow director filters,
which is called PCTYPE in fortville: ipv4, tcpv4, udpv4, ipv6, tcpv6, udpv6
add command to support flushing flow director table

Signed-off-by: jingjing.wu <jingjing.wu at>
 app/test-pmd/cmdline.c | 665 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 app/test-pmd/config.c  |  54 +++-
 app/test-pmd/testpmd.c |  22 ++
 app/test-pmd/testpmd.h |  57 +++++
 4 files changed, 786 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/app/test-pmd/cmdline.c b/app/test-pmd/cmdline.c
index 345be11..bf7e45c 100644
--- a/app/test-pmd/cmdline.c
+++ b/app/test-pmd/cmdline.c
@@ -74,6 +74,14 @@
 #include <rte_ethdev.h>
 #include <rte_string_fns.h>
 #include <rte_devargs.h>
+#include <rte_ip.h>
+#include <rte_udp.h>
+#include <rte_tcp.h>
+#include <rte_sctp.h>
+#include <rte_eth_features.h>
+#include <rte_i40e.h>
+#endif /* RTE_LIBRTE_I40E_PMD */

 #include <cmdline_rdline.h>
 #include <cmdline_parse.h>
@@ -655,6 +663,25 @@ static void cmd_help_long_parsed(void *parsed_result,

                        "get_flex_filter (port_id) index (idx)\n"
                        "    get info of a flex filter.\n\n"
+                       "i40e_flow_director_filter (port_id) (add|del)"
+                       " flow (ip4|ip6) src (src_ip_address) dst 
+                       " flexwords (flexwords_value) (drop|fwd)"
+                       " queue (queue_id) fd_id (fd_id_value)\n"
+                       "    Add/Del a IP type flow director filter for i40e 
+                       "i40e_flow_director_filter (port_id) (add|del)"
+                       " flow (udp4|tcp4|udp6|tcp6)"
+                       " src (src_ip_address) (src_port)"
+                       " dst (dst_ip_address) (dst_port)"
+                       " flexwords (flexwords_value) (drop|fwd)"
+                       " queue (queue_id) fd_id (fd_id_value)\n"
+                       "    Add/Del a UDP/TCP type flow director filter for 
i40e NIC.\n\n"
+                       "i40e_flush_flow_diretor (port_id)\n"
+                       "    Flush all flow director entries of a device on 
i40e NIC.\n\n"
+#endif /* RTE_LIBRTE_I40E_PMD */
@@ -7304,6 +7331,639 @@ cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_get_flex_filter = {

+/* *** Classification Filters Control *** */
+/* *** deal with i40e flow director filter *** */
+struct cmd_i40e_flow_director_result {
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t flow_director_filter;
+       uint8_t port_id;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t ops;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t flow;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t flow_type;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t src;
+       cmdline_ipaddr_t ip_src;
+       uint16_t port_src;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t dst;
+       cmdline_ipaddr_t ip_dst;
+       uint16_t port_dst;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t flexwords;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t flexwords_value;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t drop;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t queue;
+       uint16_t  queue_id;
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t fd_id;
+       uint32_t  fd_id_value;
+static inline int
+parse_flexwords(const char *q_arg, uint16_t *flexwords)
+#define MAX_NUM_WORD 8
+       char s[256];
+       const char *p, *p0 = q_arg;
+       char *end;
+       unsigned long int_fld[MAX_NUM_WORD];
+       char *str_fld[MAX_NUM_WORD];
+       int i;
+       unsigned size;
+       int num_words = -1;
+       p = strchr(p0, '(');
+       if (p == NULL)
+               return -1;
+       ++p;
+       p0 = strchr(p, ')');
+       if (p0 == NULL)
+               return -1;
+       size = p0 - p;
+       if (size >= sizeof(s))
+               return -1;
+       snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%.*s", size, p);
+       num_words = rte_strsplit(s, sizeof(s), str_fld, MAX_NUM_WORD, ',');
+       if (num_words < 0 || num_words > MAX_NUM_WORD)
+               return -1;
+       for (i = 0; i < num_words; i++) {
+               errno = 0;
+               int_fld[i] = strtoul(str_fld[i], &end, 0);
+               if (errno != 0 || end == str_fld[i] || int_fld[i] > UINT16_MAX)
+                       return -1;
+               flexwords[i] = rte_cpu_to_be_16((uint16_t)int_fld[i]);
+       }
+       return num_words;
+static inline struct rte_mbuf *
+tx_mbuf_alloc(struct rte_mempool *mp)
+       struct rte_mbuf *m;
+       m = __rte_mbuf_raw_alloc(mp);
+       __rte_mbuf_sanity_check_raw(m, RTE_MBUF_PKT, 0);
+       return m;
+static inline void
+rte_i40e_fdir_construct_ip4_input(struct ipv4_other_flow *flow,
+                       unsigned char *raw_pkt)
+       struct ether_hdr *ether;
+       struct ipv4_hdr *ip;
+       unsigned char *payload;
+       ether = (struct ether_hdr *)raw_pkt;
+       ip = (struct ipv4_hdr *)(raw_pkt + sizeof(struct ether_hdr));
+       payload = raw_pkt + sizeof(struct ether_hdr) + sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr);
+       ether->ether_type = rte_cpu_to_be_16(ETHER_TYPE_IPv4);
+       ip->version_ihl = I40E_FDIR_IP_DEFAULT_VERSION_IHL;
+       /* set len to 46 bytes by default */
+       ip->total_length = rte_cpu_to_be_16(I40E_FDIR_IP_DEFAULT_LEN);
+       ip->time_to_live = I40E_FDIR_IP_DEFAULT_TTL;
+       /*
+        * The source and destination fields in the transmitted packet need
+        * to be presented in a reversed order with respect to the expected
+        * received packets.
+        */
+       ip->src_addr = flow->dst_ip;
+       ip->dst_addr = flow->src_ip;
+       (void)rte_memcpy(payload,
+                        flow->flexwords,
+                        BYTES_PER_WORD * flow->num_flexwords);
+static inline void
+rte_i40e_fdir_construct_udp4_input(struct ipv4_udp_flow *flow,
+                       unsigned char *raw_pkt)
+       struct ether_hdr *ether;
+       struct ipv4_hdr *ip;
+       struct udp_hdr *udp;
+       unsigned char *payload;
+       ether = (struct ether_hdr *)raw_pkt;
+       ip = (struct ipv4_hdr *)(raw_pkt + sizeof(struct ether_hdr));
+       udp = (struct udp_hdr *)(raw_pkt + sizeof(struct ether_hdr) +
+                       sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr));
+       payload = raw_pkt + sizeof(struct ether_hdr) +
+                       sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr) + sizeof(struct udp_hdr);
+       ether->ether_type = rte_cpu_to_be_16(ETHER_TYPE_IPv4);
+       ip->version_ihl = I40E_FDIR_IP_DEFAULT_VERSION_IHL;
+       /* set len to by default */
+       ip->total_length = rte_cpu_to_be_16(I40E_FDIR_IP_DEFAULT_LEN);
+       ip->time_to_live = I40E_FDIR_IP_DEFAULT_TTL;
+       /*
+        * The source and destination fields in the transmitted packet need
+        * to be presented in a reversed order with respect to the expected
+        * received packets.
+        */
+       ip->src_addr = flow->dst_ip;
+       ip->dst_addr = flow->src_ip;
+       ip->next_proto_id = IPPROTO_UDP;
+       udp->src_port = flow->dst_port;
+       udp->dst_port = flow->src_port;
+       udp->dgram_len = rte_cpu_to_be_16(I40E_FDIR_UDP_DEFAULT_LEN);
+       (void)rte_memcpy(payload,
+                        flow->flexwords,
+                        BYTES_PER_WORD * flow->num_flexwords);
+static inline void
+rte_i40e_fdir_construct_tcp4_input(struct ipv4_tcp_flow *flow,
+                       unsigned char *raw_pkt)
+       struct ether_hdr *ether;
+       struct ipv4_hdr *ip;
+       struct tcp_hdr *tcp;
+       unsigned char *payload;
+       ether = (struct ether_hdr *)raw_pkt;
+       ip = (struct ipv4_hdr *)(raw_pkt + sizeof(struct ether_hdr));
+       tcp = (struct tcp_hdr *)(raw_pkt + sizeof(struct ether_hdr) +
+                       sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr));
+       payload = raw_pkt + sizeof(struct ether_hdr) +
+                       sizeof(struct ipv4_hdr) + sizeof(struct tcp_hdr);
+       ether->ether_type = rte_cpu_to_be_16(ETHER_TYPE_IPv4);
+       ip->version_ihl = I40E_FDIR_IP_DEFAULT_VERSION_IHL;
+       /* set len by default */
+       ip->total_length = rte_cpu_to_be_16(I40E_FDIR_IP_DEFAULT_LEN);
+       ip->time_to_live = I40E_FDIR_IP_DEFAULT_TTL;
+       /*
+        * The source and destination fields in the transmitted packet need
+        * to be presented in a reversed order with respect to the expected
+        * received packets.
+        */
+       ip->src_addr = flow->dst_ip;
+       ip->dst_addr = flow->src_ip;
+       ip->next_proto_id = IPPROTO_TCP;
+       tcp->src_port = flow->dst_port;
+       tcp->dst_port = flow->src_port;
+       tcp->data_off = I40E_FDIR_TCP_DEFAULT_DATAOFF;
+       (void)rte_memcpy(payload,
+                        flow->flexwords,
+                        BYTES_PER_WORD * flow->num_flexwords);
+static inline void
+rte_i40e_fdir_construct_ip6_input(struct ipv6_other_flow *flow,
+                       unsigned char *raw_pkt)
+       struct ether_hdr *ether;
+       struct ipv6_hdr *ip;
+       unsigned char *payload;
+       ether = (struct ether_hdr *)raw_pkt;
+       ip = (struct ipv6_hdr *)(raw_pkt + sizeof(struct ether_hdr));
+       payload = raw_pkt + sizeof(struct ether_hdr) + sizeof(struct ipv6_hdr);
+       ether->ether_type = rte_cpu_to_be_16(ETHER_TYPE_IPv6);
+       ip->vtc_flow = rte_cpu_to_be_32(I40E_FDIR_IPv6_DEFAULT_VTC_FLOW);
+       ip->payload_len = rte_cpu_to_be_16(I40E_FDIR_IPv6_DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_LEN);
+       ip->hop_limits = I40E_FDIR_IPv6_DEFAULT_HOP_LIMITS;
+       /*
+        * The source and destination fields in the transmitted packet need
+        * to be presented in a reversed order with respect to the expected
+        * received packets.
+        */
+       rte_memcpy(&(ip->src_addr), &(flow->dst_ip), IPV6_ADDR_LEN);
+       rte_memcpy(&(ip->dst_addr), &(flow->src_ip), IPV6_ADDR_LEN);
+       (void)rte_memcpy(payload,
+                        flow->flexwords,
+                        BYTES_PER_WORD * flow->num_flexwords);
+static inline void
+rte_i40e_fdir_construct_udp6_input(struct ipv6_udp_flow *flow,
+                       unsigned char *raw_pkt)
+       struct ether_hdr *ether;
+       struct ipv6_hdr *ip;
+       struct udp_hdr *udp;
+       unsigned char *payload;
+       ether = (struct ether_hdr *)raw_pkt;
+       ip = (struct ipv6_hdr *)(raw_pkt + sizeof(struct ether_hdr));
+       udp = (struct udp_hdr *)(raw_pkt + sizeof(struct ether_hdr) +
+                       sizeof(struct ipv6_hdr));
+       payload = raw_pkt + sizeof(struct ether_hdr) +
+                       sizeof(struct ipv6_hdr) + sizeof(struct udp_hdr);
+       ether->ether_type = rte_cpu_to_be_16(ETHER_TYPE_IPv6);
+       ip->vtc_flow = rte_cpu_to_be_32(I40E_FDIR_IPv6_DEFAULT_VTC_FLOW);
+       ip->payload_len = rte_cpu_to_be_16(I40E_FDIR_IPv6_DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_LEN);
+       ip->hop_limits = I40E_FDIR_IPv6_DEFAULT_HOP_LIMITS;
+       /*
+        * The source and destination fields in the transmitted packet need
+        * to be presented in a reversed order with respect to the expected
+        * received packets.
+        */
+       rte_memcpy(&(ip->src_addr), &(flow->dst_ip), IPV6_ADDR_LEN);
+       rte_memcpy(&(ip->dst_addr), &(flow->src_ip), IPV6_ADDR_LEN);
+       ip->proto = IPPROTO_UDP;
+       udp->src_port = flow->dst_port;
+       udp->dst_port = flow->src_port;
+       udp->dgram_len = rte_cpu_to_be_16(I40E_FDIR_UDP_DEFAULT_LEN);
+       (void)rte_memcpy(payload,
+                        flow->flexwords,
+                        BYTES_PER_WORD * flow->num_flexwords);
+static inline void
+rte_i40e_fdir_construct_tcp6_input(struct ipv6_tcp_flow *flow,
+                       unsigned char *raw_pkt)
+       struct ether_hdr *ether;
+       struct ipv6_hdr *ip;
+       struct tcp_hdr *tcp;
+       unsigned char *payload;
+       ether = (struct ether_hdr *)raw_pkt;
+       ip = (struct ipv6_hdr *)(raw_pkt + sizeof(struct ether_hdr));
+       tcp = (struct tcp_hdr *)(raw_pkt + sizeof(struct ether_hdr) +
+                       sizeof(struct ipv6_hdr));
+       payload = raw_pkt + sizeof(struct ether_hdr) +
+                       sizeof(struct ipv6_hdr) + sizeof(struct tcp_hdr);
+       ether->ether_type = rte_cpu_to_be_16(ETHER_TYPE_IPv6);
+       ip->vtc_flow = rte_cpu_to_be_32(I40E_FDIR_IPv6_DEFAULT_VTC_FLOW);
+       ip->payload_len = rte_cpu_to_be_16(I40E_FDIR_IPv6_DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_LEN);
+       ip->hop_limits = I40E_FDIR_IPv6_DEFAULT_HOP_LIMITS;
+       /*
+        * The source and destination fields in the transmitted packet need
+        * to be presented in a reversed order with respect to the expected
+        * received packets.
+        */
+       rte_memcpy(&(ip->src_addr), &(flow->dst_ip), IPV6_ADDR_LEN);
+       rte_memcpy(&(ip->dst_addr), &(flow->src_ip), IPV6_ADDR_LEN);
+       ip->proto = IPPROTO_TCP;
+       tcp->data_off = I40E_FDIR_TCP_DEFAULT_DATAOFF;
+       tcp->src_port = flow->dst_port;
+       tcp->dst_port = flow->src_port;
+       (void)rte_memcpy(payload,
+                        flow->flexwords,
+                        BYTES_PER_WORD * flow->num_flexwords);
+static void
+cmd_i40e_flow_director_parsed(void *parsed_result,
+                         __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl,
+                         __attribute__((unused)) void *data)
+       struct cmd_i40e_flow_director_result *res = parsed_result;
+       struct rte_port *port;
+       struct rte_i40e_fdir_entry entry;
+       struct rte_mbuf *m_pkt = NULL;
+       uint16_t flexwords[8];
+       enum rte_eth_command cmd;
+       int num_flexwords;
+       int ret = 0;
+       memset(flexwords, 0, sizeof(flexwords));
+       memset(&entry, 0, sizeof(struct rte_i40e_fdir_entry));
+       num_flexwords = parse_flexwords(res->flexwords_value, flexwords);
+       if (num_flexwords < 0) {
+               printf("error: Cannot pase flexwords input.\n");
+               return;
+       }
+       port = &ports[res->port_id];
+       m_pkt = tx_mbuf_alloc(port->i40e_fdir_mp);
+       if (m_pkt == NULL) {
+               printf("error: Cannot malloc mbuf for fdir.\n");
+               return;
+       }
+       if (!strcmp(res->flow_type, "ip4")) {
+               struct ipv4_other_flow ip4_flow;
+               memset(&ip4_flow, 0, sizeof(struct ipv4_other_flow));
+               /* no need to convert, already big endian. */
+               if (res-> == AF_INET)
+                       ip4_flow.dst_ip = res->ip_dst.addr.ipv4.s_addr;
+               else {
+                       printf("error paramters.\n");
+                       goto pktbuf_free;
+               }
+               if (res-> == AF_INET)
+                       ip4_flow.src_ip = res->ip_src.addr.ipv4.s_addr;
+               else {
+                       printf("error paramters.\n");
+                       goto pktbuf_free;
+               }
+               ip4_flow.num_flexwords = num_flexwords;
+               rte_memcpy(ip4_flow.flexwords,
+                                flexwords,
+                                num_flexwords);
+               rte_i40e_fdir_construct_ip4_input(&ip4_flow, m_pkt->;
+               entry.input.pctype = ETH_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV4_OTHER;
+       } else if (!strcmp(res->flow_type, "udp4")) {
+               struct ipv4_udp_flow udp4_flow;
+               memset(&udp4_flow, 0, sizeof(struct ipv4_udp_flow));
+               /* no need to convert, already big endian. */
+               if (res-> == AF_INET)
+                       udp4_flow.dst_ip = res->ip_dst.addr.ipv4.s_addr;
+               else {
+                       printf("error paramters.\n");
+                       goto pktbuf_free;
+               }
+               if (res-> == AF_INET)
+                       udp4_flow.src_ip = res->ip_src.addr.ipv4.s_addr;
+               else {
+                       printf("error paramters.\n");
+                       goto pktbuf_free;
+               }
+               /* need convert to big endian. */
+               udp4_flow.dst_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(res->port_dst);
+               udp4_flow.src_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(res->port_src);
+               udp4_flow.num_flexwords = num_flexwords;
+               rte_memcpy(udp4_flow.flexwords,
+                                flexwords,
+                                udp4_flow.num_flexwords);
+               rte_i40e_fdir_construct_udp4_input(&udp4_flow, m_pkt->;
+               entry.input.pctype = ETH_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV4_UDP;
+       } else if (!strcmp(res->flow_type, "tcp4")) {
+               struct ipv4_tcp_flow tcp4_flow;
+               memset(&tcp4_flow, 0, sizeof(struct ipv4_tcp_flow));
+               if (res-> == AF_INET)
+                       tcp4_flow.dst_ip = res->ip_dst.addr.ipv4.s_addr;
+               else {
+                       printf("error paramters.\n");
+                       goto pktbuf_free;
+               }
+               if (res-> == AF_INET)
+                       tcp4_flow.src_ip = res->ip_src.addr.ipv4.s_addr;
+               else {
+                       printf("error paramters.\n");
+                       goto pktbuf_free;
+               }
+               /* need convert to big endian. */
+               tcp4_flow.dst_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(res->port_dst);
+               tcp4_flow.src_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(res->port_src);
+               tcp4_flow.num_flexwords = num_flexwords;
+               rte_memcpy(tcp4_flow.flexwords,
+                                flexwords,
+                                tcp4_flow.num_flexwords);
+               rte_i40e_fdir_construct_tcp4_input(&tcp4_flow, m_pkt->;
+               entry.input.pctype = ETH_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV4_TCP;
+       } else if (!strcmp(res->flow_type, "ip6")) {
+               struct ipv6_other_flow ip6_flow;
+               memset(&ip6_flow, 0, sizeof(struct ipv6_other_flow));
+               if (res-> == AF_INET6)
+                       (void)rte_memcpy(&(ip6_flow.src_ip),
+                                        &(res->ip_src.addr.ipv6),
+                                        sizeof(struct in6_addr));
+               else {
+                       printf("error paramters.\n");
+                       goto pktbuf_free;
+               }
+               if (res-> == AF_INET6)
+                       (void)rte_memcpy(&(ip6_flow.dst_ip),
+                                        &(res->ip_dst.addr.ipv6),
+                                        sizeof(struct in6_addr));
+               else {
+                       printf("error paramters.\n");
+                       goto pktbuf_free;
+               }
+               ip6_flow.num_flexwords = num_flexwords;
+               rte_memcpy(ip6_flow.flexwords,
+                                flexwords,
+                                ip6_flow.num_flexwords);
+               rte_i40e_fdir_construct_ip6_input(&ip6_flow, m_pkt->;
+               entry.input.pctype = ETH_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV6_OTHER;
+       } else if (!strcmp(res->flow_type, "udp6")) {
+               struct ipv6_udp_flow udp6_flow;
+               memset(&udp6_flow, 0, sizeof(struct ipv6_udp_flow));
+               if (res-> == AF_INET6)
+                       (void)rte_memcpy(&(udp6_flow.src_ip),
+                                        &(res->ip_src.addr.ipv6),
+                                        sizeof(struct in6_addr));
+               else {
+                       printf("error paramters.\n");
+                       goto pktbuf_free;
+               }
+               if (res-> == AF_INET6)
+                       (void)rte_memcpy(&(udp6_flow.dst_ip),
+                                        &(res->ip_dst.addr.ipv6),
+                                        sizeof(struct in6_addr));
+               else {
+                       printf("error paramters.\n");
+                       goto pktbuf_free;
+               }
+               udp6_flow.dst_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(res->port_dst);
+               udp6_flow.src_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(res->port_src);
+               udp6_flow.num_flexwords = num_flexwords;
+               rte_memcpy(udp6_flow.flexwords,
+                                flexwords,
+                                udp6_flow.num_flexwords);
+               rte_i40e_fdir_construct_udp6_input(&udp6_flow, m_pkt->;
+               entry.input.pctype = ETH_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV6_UDP;
+       } else if (!strcmp(res->flow_type, "tcp6")) {
+               struct ipv6_tcp_flow tcp6_flow;
+               memset(&tcp6_flow, 0, sizeof(struct ipv6_tcp_flow));
+               if (res-> == AF_INET6)
+                       (void)rte_memcpy(&(tcp6_flow.src_ip),
+                                        &(res->ip_src.addr.ipv6),
+                                        sizeof(struct in6_addr));
+               else {
+                       printf("error paramters.\n");
+                       goto pktbuf_free;
+               }
+               if (res-> == AF_INET6)
+                       (void)rte_memcpy(&(tcp6_flow.dst_ip),
+                                        &(res->ip_dst.addr.ipv6),
+                                        sizeof(struct in6_addr));
+               else {
+                       printf("error paramters.\n");
+                       goto pktbuf_free;
+               }
+               tcp6_flow.dst_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(res->port_dst);
+               tcp6_flow.src_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(res->port_src);
+               tcp6_flow.num_flexwords = num_flexwords;
+               rte_memcpy(tcp6_flow.flexwords,
+                                flexwords,
+                                tcp6_flow.num_flexwords);
+               rte_i40e_fdir_construct_tcp6_input(&tcp6_flow, m_pkt->;
+               entry.input.pctype = ETH_PCTYPE_NONF_IPV6_TCP;
+       }
+       m_pkt->pkt.data_len = I40E_FDIR_PKT_LEN;
+       m_pkt-> = NULL;
+ = m_pkt;
+       entry.input.dest_vsi = 0; /* if set to 0, will use main vsi by default*/
+       entry.input.flex_off = 0;  /*use 0 by default*/
+       if (!strcmp(res->drop, "drop"))
+               entry.action.drop = RTE_I40E_DEST_DROP_PACKET;
+       else
+               entry.action.drop = RTE_I40E_DEST_DIRECT_PACKET_QINDEX;
+       /* set to report FD ID by default temporary*/
+       entry.action.report_status = RTE_I40E_FDIR_REPORT_FD_ID;
+       entry.action.rx_queue = res->queue_id;
+       /* use 0 by default, will set it to fdir counter per dev */
+       entry.action.cnt_index = 0;
+       entry.soft_id = res->fd_id_value;
+       if (!strcmp(res->ops, "add"))
+               cmd = RTE_CMD_FDIR_RULE_ADD;
+       else
+               cmd = RTE_CMD_FDIR_RULE_DEL;
+       ret = rte_eth_dev_rx_classification_filter_ctl(res->port_id, cmd, 
+       if (ret < 0)
+               printf("i40e flow director programming error,"
+                       " return code = %d \n", ret);
+       rte_pktmbuf_free(;
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_i40e_flow_director_filter =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_i40e_flow_director_result,
+                                flow_director_filter, 
+cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_i40e_flow_director_port_id =
+       TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_i40e_flow_director_result,
+                             port_id, UINT8);
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_i40e_flow_director_ops =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_i40e_flow_director_result,
+                                ops, "add#del");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_i40e_flow_director_flow =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_i40e_flow_director_result,
+                                flow, "flow");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_i40e_flow_director_flow_type =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_i40e_flow_director_result,
+                                flow_type, "ip4#tcp4#udp4#ip6#tcp6#udp6");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_i40e_flow_director_src =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_i40e_flow_director_result,
+                                src, "src");
+cmdline_parse_token_ipaddr_t cmd_i40e_flow_director_ip_src =
+       TOKEN_IPADDR_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_i40e_flow_director_result,
+                                ip_src);
+cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_i40e_flow_director_port_src =
+       TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_i40e_flow_director_result,
+                             port_src, UINT16);
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_i40e_flow_director_dst =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_i40e_flow_director_result,
+                                dst, "dst");
+cmdline_parse_token_ipaddr_t cmd_i40e_flow_director_ip_dst =
+       TOKEN_IPADDR_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_i40e_flow_director_result,
+                                ip_dst);
+cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_i40e_flow_director_port_dst =
+       TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_i40e_flow_director_result,
+                             port_dst, UINT16);
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_i40e_flow_director_flexwords =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_i40e_flow_director_result,
+                                flexwords, "flexwords");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_i40e_flow_director_flexwords_value =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_i40e_flow_director_result,
+                             flexwords_value, NULL);
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_i40e_flow_director_drop =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_i40e_flow_director_result,
+                                drop, "drop#fwd");
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_i40e_flow_director_queue =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_i40e_flow_director_result,
+                                queue, "queue");
+cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_i40e_flow_director_queue_id =
+       TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_i40e_flow_director_result,
+                             queue_id, UINT16);
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_i40e_flow_director_fd_id =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_i40e_flow_director_result,
+                                fd_id, "fd_id");
+cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_i40e_flow_director_fd_id_value =
+       TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_i40e_flow_director_result,
+                             fd_id_value, UINT32);
+cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_i40e_add_del_ip_flow_director = {
+       .f = cmd_i40e_flow_director_parsed,
+       .data = NULL,
+       .help_str = "add or delete a ip flow director entry on i40e NIC",
+       .tokens = {
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_filter,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_port_id,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_ops,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_flow,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_flow_type,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_src,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_ip_src,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_dst,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_ip_dst,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_flexwords,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_flexwords_value,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_drop,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_queue,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_queue_id,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_fd_id,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_fd_id_value,
+               NULL,
+       },
+cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_i40e_add_del_udp_flow_director = {
+       .f = cmd_i40e_flow_director_parsed,
+       .data = NULL,
+       .help_str = "add or delete a udp/tcp flow director entry on i40e NIC",
+       .tokens = {
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_filter,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_port_id,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_ops,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_flow,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_flow_type,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_src,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_ip_src,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_port_src,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_dst,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_ip_dst,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_port_dst,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_flexwords,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_flexwords_value,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_drop,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_queue,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_queue_id,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_fd_id,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flow_director_fd_id_value,
+               NULL,
+       },
+struct cmd_i40e_flush_flow_director_result {
+       cmdline_fixed_string_t flush_flow_director;
+       uint8_t port_id;
+cmdline_parse_token_string_t cmd_i40e_flush_flow_director_flush =
+       TOKEN_STRING_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_i40e_flush_flow_director_result,
+                                flush_flow_director, 
+cmdline_parse_token_num_t cmd_i40e_flush_flow_director_port_id =
+       TOKEN_NUM_INITIALIZER(struct cmd_i40e_flush_flow_director_result,
+                             port_id, UINT8);
+static void
+cmd_i40e_flush_flow_director_parsed(void *parsed_result,
+                         __attribute__((unused)) struct cmdline *cl,
+                         __attribute__((unused)) void *data)
+       struct cmd_i40e_flow_director_result *res = parsed_result;
+       int ret = 0;
+       ret = rte_eth_dev_rx_classification_filter_ctl(res->port_id,
+                       RTE_CMD_FDIR_FLUSH, NULL);
+       if (ret < 0)
+               printf("i40e flow director table flushing error,"
+                       " return code = %d \n", ret);
+cmdline_parse_inst_t cmd_i40e_flush_flow_director = {
+       .f = cmd_i40e_flush_flow_director_parsed,
+       .data = NULL,
+       .help_str = "flush all flow director entries of a device on i40e NIC",
+       .tokens = {
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flush_flow_director_flush,
+               (void *)&cmd_i40e_flush_flow_director_port_id,
+               NULL,
+       },
+#endif /* RTE_LIBRTE_I40E_PMD */

 /* list of instructions */
@@ -7429,6 +8089,11 @@ cmdline_parse_ctx_t main_ctx[] = {
        (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_add_flex_filter,
        (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_remove_flex_filter,
        (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_get_flex_filter,
+       (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_i40e_add_del_ip_flow_director,
+       (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_i40e_add_del_udp_flow_director,
+       (cmdline_parse_inst_t *)&cmd_i40e_flush_flow_director,
+#endif /* RTE_LIBRTE_I40E_PMD */

diff --git a/app/test-pmd/config.c b/app/test-pmd/config.c
index c72f6ee..4c40afe 100644
--- a/app/test-pmd/config.c
+++ b/app/test-pmd/config.c
@@ -93,6 +93,10 @@
 #include <rte_ether.h>
 #include <rte_ethdev.h>
 #include <rte_string_fns.h>
+#include <rte_eth_features.h>
+#include <rte_i40e.h>
+#endif /* RTE_LIBRTE_I40E_PMD */

 #include "testpmd.h"

@@ -1781,26 +1785,52 @@ fdir_remove_signature_filter(portid_t port_id,
 fdir_get_infos(portid_t port_id)
-       struct rte_eth_fdir fdir_infos;
+       struct rte_eth_dev_info dev_info;

        static const char *fdir_stats_border = "########################";

        if (port_id_is_invalid(port_id))

-       rte_eth_dev_fdir_get_infos(port_id, &fdir_infos);
        printf("\n  %s FDIR infos for port %-2d     %s\n",
               fdir_stats_border, port_id, fdir_stats_border);
-       printf("  collision: %-10"PRIu64"  free:     %"PRIu64"\n"
-              "  maxhash:   %-10"PRIu64"  maxlen:   %"PRIu64"\n"
-              "  add:       %-10"PRIu64"  remove:   %"PRIu64"\n"
-              "  f_add:     %-10"PRIu64"  f_remove: %"PRIu64"\n",
-              (uint64_t)(fdir_infos.collision), (uint64_t)(,
-              (uint64_t)(fdir_infos.maxhash), (uint64_t)(fdir_infos.maxlen),
-              fdir_infos.add, fdir_infos.remove,
-              fdir_infos.f_add, fdir_infos.f_remove);
+       memset(&dev_info, 0, sizeof(dev_info));
+       rte_eth_dev_info_get(port_id, &dev_info);
+       if (strstr(dev_info.driver_name, "i40e") != NULL) {
+               struct rte_i40e_fdir_info i40e_fdir_info;
+               memset(&i40e_fdir_info, 0, sizeof(struct rte_i40e_fdir_info));
+               rte_eth_dev_rx_classification_filter_ctl(port_id,
+                       RTE_CMD_FDIR_INFO_GET, (void *)&i40e_fdir_info);
+               if (i40e_fdir_info.mode) {
+                       printf("  FDIR is enabled\n");
+                       printf("  guarant_space: %-10"PRIu16
+                              "  best_space:     %"PRIu16"\n",
+                              i40e_fdir_info.guarant_spc,
+                              i40e_fdir_info.best_spc);
+                       printf("  guarant_count: %-10"PRIu16
+                              "  best_count:     %"PRIu16"\n",
+                              i40e_fdir_info.guarant_cnt,
+                              i40e_fdir_info.best_cnt);
+               } else
+                       printf("  FDIR is disabled\n");
+       } else {
+#endif /* RTE_LIBRTE_I40E_PMD */
+               struct rte_eth_fdir fdir_infos;
+               rte_eth_dev_fdir_get_infos(port_id, &fdir_infos);
+               printf("  collision: %-10"PRIu64"  free:     %"PRIu64"\n"
+                      "  maxhash:   %-10"PRIu64"  maxlen:   %"PRIu64"\n"
+                      "  add:       %-10"PRIu64"  remove:   %"PRIu64"\n"
+                      "  f_add:     %-10"PRIu64"  f_remove: %"PRIu64"\n",
+                      (uint64_t)(fdir_infos.collision), 
+                      (uint64_t)(fdir_infos.maxhash), 
+                      fdir_infos.add, fdir_infos.remove,
+                      fdir_infos.f_add, fdir_infos.f_remove);
+       }
+#endif /* RTE_LIBRTE_I40E_PMD */
        printf("  %s############################%s\n",
               fdir_stats_border, fdir_stats_border);
diff --git a/app/test-pmd/testpmd.c b/app/test-pmd/testpmd.c
index e8a4b45..d0d4fc1 100644
--- a/app/test-pmd/testpmd.c
+++ b/app/test-pmd/testpmd.c
@@ -1676,6 +1676,28 @@ init_port_config(void)
                port = &ports[pid];
                port->dev_conf.rxmode = rx_mode;
                port->dev_conf.fdir_conf = fdir_conf;
+#define I40E_FDIR_NB_MBUF          4
+#define I40E_FDIR_MBUF_SIZE        (512 + sizeof(struct rte_mbuf))
+#define I40E_FDIR_PKT_LEN          512
+#define MEMPOOL_CACHE_SIZE         256
+#define I40E_FDIR_MBUF_NAME        "FDIR_MBUF_POOL"
+               port->i40e_fdir_mp = rte_mempool_lookup(I40E_FDIR_MBUF_NAME);
+               if (port->i40e_fdir_mp == NULL) {
+                       port->i40e_fdir_mp = 
+                               I40E_FDIR_NB_MBUF, I40E_FDIR_MBUF_SIZE,
+                               MEMPOOL_CACHE_SIZE,
+                               sizeof(struct rte_pktmbuf_pool_private),
+                               rte_pktmbuf_pool_init, NULL,
+                               rte_pktmbuf_init, NULL,
+                               0, 0);
+                       if (port->i40e_fdir_mp == NULL)
+                               printf("error: Cannot init mbuf pool for"
+                                       "i40e flow director.\n");
+               }
+#endif /* RTE_LIBRTE_I40E_PMD */
                if (nb_rxq > 1) {
                        port->dev_conf.rx_adv_conf.rss_conf.rss_key = NULL;
                        port->dev_conf.rx_adv_conf.rss_conf.rss_hf = rss_hf;
diff --git a/app/test-pmd/testpmd.h b/app/test-pmd/testpmd.h
index ac86bfe..1e6d16f 100644
--- a/app/test-pmd/testpmd.h
+++ b/app/test-pmd/testpmd.h
@@ -73,6 +73,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv);
 #define NUMA_NO_CONFIG 0xFF
 #define UMA_NO_CONFIG  0xFF

+#define BYTES_PER_WORD  2
+#define IPV6_ADDR_LEN 16
 typedef uint8_t  lcoreid_t;
 typedef uint8_t  portid_t;
 typedef uint16_t queueid_t;
@@ -155,6 +158,9 @@ struct rte_port {
        uint8_t                 dcb_flag;   /**< enable dcb */
        struct rte_eth_rxconf   rx_conf;    /**< rx configuration */
        struct rte_eth_txconf   tx_conf;    /**< tx configuration */
+       struct rte_mempool      *i40e_fdir_mp;  /**< mempool used for fdir 
programing */
+#endif /* RTE_LIBRTE_I40E_PMD */

@@ -352,6 +358,57 @@ extern uint32_t param_total_num_mbufs;

 extern struct rte_fdir_conf fdir_conf;

+struct ipv4_udp_flow {
+       uint32_t src_ip;         /**< IPv4 source address to match. */
+       uint32_t dst_ip;         /**< IPv4 destination address to match. */
+       uint16_t src_port;       /**< UDP Source port to match. */
+       uint16_t dst_port;       /**< UDP Destination port to match. */
+       uint8_t num_flexwords;   /**< number of the flexwords. */
+       uint16_t flexwords[8];   /**< flexwords in payload. */
+struct ipv4_tcp_flow {
+       uint32_t src_ip;         /**< IPv4 source address to match. */
+       uint32_t dst_ip;         /**< IPv4 destination address to match. */
+       uint16_t src_port;       /**< TCP Source port to match. */
+       uint16_t dst_port;       /**< TCP Destination port to match. */
+       uint8_t num_flexwords;   /**< number of the flexwords. */
+       uint16_t flexwords[8];   /**< flexwords in payload. */
+struct ipv4_other_flow {
+       uint32_t src_ip;         /**< IPv4 source address to match. */
+       uint32_t dst_ip;         /**< IPv4 destination address to match. */
+       uint8_t num_flexwords;   /**< number of the flexwords. */
+       uint16_t flexwords[8];   /**< flexwords in payload. */
+struct ipv6_udp_flow {
+       uint32_t src_ip[4];      /**< IPv6 source address to match. */
+       uint32_t dst_ip[4];      /**< IPv6 destination address to match. */
+       uint16_t src_port;       /**< UDP Source port to match. */
+       uint16_t dst_port;       /**< UDP Destination port to match. */
+       uint8_t num_flexwords;   /**< number of the flexwords. */
+       uint16_t flexwords[8];   /**< flexwords in payload. */
+struct ipv6_tcp_flow {
+       uint32_t src_ip[4];      /**< IPv6 source address to match. */
+       uint32_t dst_ip[4];      /**< IPv6 destination address to match. */
+       uint16_t src_port;       /**< TCP Source port to match. */
+       uint16_t dst_port;       /**< TCP Destination port to match. */
+       uint8_t num_flexwords;   /**< number of the flexwords. */
+       uint16_t flexwords[8];   /**< flexwords in payload. */
+struct ipv6_other_flow {
+       uint32_t src_ip[4];      /**< IPv6 source address to match. */
+       uint32_t dst_ip[4];      /**< IPv6 destination address to match. */
+       uint8_t num_flexwords;   /**< number of the flexwords. */
+       uint16_t flexwords[8];   /**< flexwords in payload. */
+#endif /* RTE_LIBRTE_I40E_PMD */
  * Configuration of packet segments used by the "txonly" processing engine.

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