I tried a lot (more than a week) to solve the problem myself and not
to bother the list, but I didn't succeed. Maybe other people have the
same problem.
I have a simple program attached. It is intended for simple packet
capturing; captures from interface and writes to memory, and frees the
memory in the next loop.

I have a 10G 82599EB Intel SFI/SFP+ network interface for capturing packets.
As you may know, this network card supports up to 128 RSS queues.

This is just a test, so the packets being sent at 820Kpps (kilo packet
per second). Each packet is 1500B (fixed size); it is 9.16 Gbit per
Of course when the packet per seconds goes up and packet size goes
down (e.g. 400B per packet), it gets much worse.

When using one queue to receive, I receive all the packets, with no loss.
When I use more than one queue (e.g. 8 queues), with each thread
running on a dedicated core, I have a considerable amount of loss.

Please note that:
1. The computer has 12 * 2.67GHz cores, and it does nothing else but
capturing packets. The CPU is Intel Xeon X5650.
2. The operating system is Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS

Attached file includes:

It is configured to be run with 8 queues.

If you want to change the number of receive queues, please:
1. in main.c, change the value assigned to nb_rx_q_of_dev to the desired value.
2. change core mask in run.sh file (since there is SKIP_MASTER, you
should give a core containing one more CPU than given number of

I think there might be following problems:
1. the port configuration is not fine.
2. freeing memory has a considerable amount of overhead, and may be I
shouldn't do that. But If I don't the pool will be full, won't be? Is
there any other way?

Please help.
Thanks a lot in advance for your help and comments.

All the Best,

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