RTE_EAL_UNBIND_PORTS was deprecated in DPDK 1.4.0 and removed in 1.6.0, but the
code was not removed.

The bind/unbind operations should not be handled by the eal.
These operations should be either done outside of dpdk or inside the PMDs
themselves as these are their problems.

Signed-off-by: Anatoly Burakov <anatoly.burakov at intel.com>
Signed-off-by: David Marchand <david.marchand at 6wind.com>
 lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_pci.c |  172 ---------------------------------
 1 file changed, 172 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_pci.c 
index 6b57a9f..f4f99ab 100644
--- a/lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_pci.c
+++ b/lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/eal/eal_pci.c
@@ -146,155 +146,6 @@ error:
        return -1;

-#define PROC_MODULES "/proc/modules"
-#define IGB_UIO_NAME "igb_uio"
-#define UIO_DRV_PATH  "/sys/bus/pci/drivers/%s"
-/* maximum time to wait that /dev/uioX appears */
-#define UIO_DEV_WAIT_TIMEOUT 3 /* seconds */
- * Check that a kernel module is loaded. Returns 0 on success, or if the
- * parameter is NULL, or -1 if the module is not loaded.
- */
-static int
-pci_uio_check_module(const char *module_name)
-       FILE *f;
-       unsigned i;
-       char buf[BUFSIZ];
-       if (module_name == NULL)
-               return 0;
-       f = fopen(PROC_MODULES, "r");
-       if (f == NULL) {
-               RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Cannot open "PROC_MODULES": %s\n", 
-                               strerror(errno));
-               return -1;
-       }
-       while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f) != NULL) {
-               for (i = 0; i < sizeof(buf) && buf[i] != '\0'; i++) {
-                       if (isspace(buf[i]))
-                           buf[i] = '\0';
-               }
-               if (strncmp(buf, module_name, sizeof(buf)) == 0) {
-                       fclose(f);
-                       return 0;
-               }
-       }
-       fclose(f);
-       return -1;
-/* bind a PCI to the kernel module driver */
-static int
-pci_bind_device(struct rte_pci_device *dev, char dr_path[])
-       FILE *f;
-       int n;
-       char buf[BUFSIZ];
-       char dev_bind[PATH_MAX];
-       struct rte_pci_addr *loc = &dev->addr;
-       n = rte_snprintf(dev_bind, sizeof(dev_bind), "%s/bind", dr_path);
-       if ((n < 0) || (n >= (int)sizeof(buf))) {
-               RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Cannot rte_snprintf device bind path\n");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       f = fopen(dev_bind, "w");
-       if (f == NULL) {
-               RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Cannot open %s\n", dev_bind);
-               return -1;
-       }
-       n = rte_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), PCI_PRI_FMT "\n",
-                        loc->domain, loc->bus, loc->devid, loc->function);
-       if ((n < 0) || (n >= (int)sizeof(buf))) {
-               RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Cannot rte_snprintf PCI infos\n");
-               fclose(f);
-               return -1;
-       }
-       if (fwrite(buf, n, 1, f) == 0) {
-               fclose(f);
-               return -1;
-       }
-       fclose(f);
-       return 0;
-static int
-pci_uio_bind_device(struct rte_pci_device *dev, const char *module_name)
-       FILE *f;
-       int n;
-       char buf[BUFSIZ];
-       char uio_newid[PATH_MAX];
-       char uio_bind[PATH_MAX];
-       n = rte_snprintf(uio_newid, sizeof(uio_newid), UIO_DRV_PATH "/new_id", 
-       if ((n < 0) || (n >= (int)sizeof(uio_newid))) {
-               RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Cannot rte_snprintf uio_newid name\n");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       n = rte_snprintf(uio_bind, sizeof(uio_bind), UIO_DRV_PATH, module_name);
-       if ((n < 0) || (n >= (int)sizeof(uio_bind))) {
-               RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Cannot rte_snprintf uio_bind name\n");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       n = rte_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%x %x\n",
-                       dev->id.vendor_id, dev->id.device_id);
-       if ((n < 0) || (n >= (int)sizeof(buf))) {
-               RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Cannot rte_snprintf vendor_id/device_id\n");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       f = fopen(uio_newid, "w");
-       if (f == NULL) {
-               RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Cannot open %s\n", uio_newid);
-               return -1;
-       }
-       if (fwrite(buf, n, 1, f) == 0) {
-               fclose(f);
-               return -1;
-       }
-       fclose(f);
-       pci_bind_device(dev, uio_bind);
-       return 0;
-static int
-pci_switch_module(struct rte_pci_driver *dr, struct rte_pci_device *dev,
-                  const char *module_name)
-       if (rte_eal_process_type() == RTE_PROC_PRIMARY) {
-               /* check that our driver is loaded */
-               if (pci_uio_check_module(module_name) != 0)
-                       rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "The %s module is required by 
the "
-                                       "%s driver\n", module_name, dr->name);
-               /* unbind current driver, bind ours */
-               if (pci_unbind_kernel_driver(dev) < 0)
-                       return -1;
-               if (pci_uio_bind_device(dev, module_name) < 0)
-                       return -1;
-       }
-       return 0;
-#endif /* ifdef EAL_UNBIND_PORTS */
 /* map a particular resource from a file */
 static void *
 pci_map_resource(struct rte_pci_device *dev, void *requested_addr, 
@@ -303,25 +154,10 @@ pci_map_resource(struct rte_pci_device *dev, void 
        int fd;
        void *mapaddr;

-       /*
-        * open devname, and mmap it: it can take some time to
-        * appear, so we wait some time before returning an error
-        */
-       unsigned n;
-       fd = dev->intr_handle.fd;
-       for (n = 0; n < UIO_DEV_WAIT_TIMEOUT*10 && fd < 0; n++) {
-               errno = 0;
-               if ((fd = open(devname, O_RDWR)) < 0 && errno != ENOENT)
-                       break;
-               usleep(100000);
-       }
         * open devname, to mmap it
        fd = open(devname, O_RDWR);
        if (fd < 0) {
                RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Cannot open %s: %s\n", 
                        devname, strerror(errno));
@@ -1030,14 +866,6 @@ rte_eal_pci_probe_one_driver(struct rte_pci_driver *dr, 
struct rte_pci_device *d
                        return 0;

-               if (dr->drv_flags & RTE_PCI_DRV_NEED_IGB_UIO) {
-                       /* unbind current driver and bind on igb_uio */
-                       if (pci_switch_module(dr, dev, IGB_UIO_NAME) < 0)
-                               return -1;
-               }
                if (dr->drv_flags & RTE_PCI_DRV_NEED_IGB_UIO) {
                        /* map resources for devices that use igb_uio */
                        if (pci_uio_map_resource(dev) < 0)

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