26/09/2013 17:50, John Lange : > Apologies if this is a dumb question, but how can the DPDK mailing list > archive be searched? I see how to download old archives, but there must > be an easier way of searching through old archives without downloading all > messages, right?
It's not a dumb question :) The mailing list is archived with Mailman on dpdk.org. But this interface is poor and you cannot search from it. That's why it is also archived by an external service called Gmane: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.networking.dpdk.devel Browsing on gmane is easier, search is allowed and there is an NNTP access. To make it even simpler, the gmane search box is usable from dpdk.org: http://dpdk.org/ml PS: thanks to Gmane's guys (http://gmane.org/faq.php) -- Thomas