
Yes, bandwidth can be guaranteed to pipes (users) and subports (groups of 
users) through the traffic shaping feature.

I am also providing a bit more information below, maybe anticipating some of 
the future questions.

1. Traffic shaping for pipes and subports
Basically, each pipe and each subport get assigned a rate, which represents 
exactly the amount of traffic the respective pipe / subport is allowed to send.
Of course, this rate will be saturated only when that pipe / subport has enough 
demand (input traffic) and there are no other restrictions triggered at other 
levels in the hierarchy affecting this pipe / subport. 
For example, the pipe might have enough credits to send more packets, but 
unable to do so because all its input traffic is currently best effort (traffic 
class 3) and the subport level limit for best effort traffic class has been 

2. Bandwidth sharing between subports or between pipes: NO
Please note that, unlike HTB, there is no bandwidth sharing between different 
subports or between different pipes within the same subport.
This is because the requirement set for Intel DPDK hierarchical scheduler is 
suitable for telecom environments, where each user pays for a specific service 
level (e.g. rate). 
At every moment, out of many thousands of users (i.e. thousands of pipes) in 
the network, only a relatively small fraction is active (have demand), so 
allowing the active users to reuse the bandwidth left unused by the inactive 
users will usually result in those users getting a significantly better service 
level for extended periods of time for free. Paying for the lowest service 
while getting the best service is not particularly appealing to operators.
HTB bandwidth borrowing concept is probably more suitable for LAN networks, 
where there are multiple users, machines, applications, etc sharing the same 
WAN link. As the service paid for is the WAN link, it does not really matter 
who is using the excess bandwidth, as long as every user is getting a 
minimum/guaranteed rate, so the borrowing/link sharing is encouraged, as the 
ultimate interest is to use the WAN link efficiently/as much as possible. The 
HTB sharing is done in a hierarchical way starting from the bottom of the 
hierarchy, so whatever I am not using, my family can use; whatever my family is 
not using, my neighbourhood can use; whatever my neighbourhood is not using, my 
city can use; so on so forth for county, country, continent, planet, galaxy :)

3. Bandwidth sharing within the same pipe: YES
Yes, the bandwidth sharing is possible between the connections belonging to the 
same user.
Whatever rate was assigned to higher priority traffic classes for a specific 
pipe, when not used for these traffic classes (because the pipe currently does 
not have demand for those traffic classes), it can be used by the same pipe to 
serve its lower priority traffic classes.
A user (pipe) can have multiple connections at the same time: some voice 
connections, some video connections and some data transfers which typically get 
mapped to different traffic classes and queues within traffic classes of the 
same user (16 queues per pipe, split into 4 traffic classes with 4 queues each).
The traffic classes are scheduled in strict priority, so e.g. we do not send 
out any FTP packets (typically traffic class 3, low priority) while we have 
voice or video packets (typically traffic class 0 and 1, high priority). 
Although there is a rate assigned to each traffic class for a specific pipe, 
the sum of all traffic class rates can be bigger than 100%. For example, we can 
configure voice (TC0) as 10% of pipe rate, video (TC1) as 20% of pipe rate, 
cached video (TC2) as 30% of pipe rate and data transfers as 100% of the pipe 
rate. The pipe rate will never be exceeded, but whenever there is no voice or 
video or cached video traffic for this pipe, the data transfers can use up to 
100% of the pipe rate.

Hope this helps!


-----Original Message-----
From: dev [mailto:dev-boun...@dpdk.org] On Behalf Of William Rolinson
Sent: Tuesday, October 8, 2013 3:15 AM
To: dev at dpdk.org
Subject: [dpdk-dev] How to guarantee bandwith using DPDK QoS library?

 Apologies if this is a dumb question, but how can we guarantee bandwith with 
librte_sched like what HTB do in Linux?
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