Hello, I've been using DPDK for a while and now I encountered the following issue: when I try to run two primary processes on the same host (with --no-shconf option enabled) respectively sending packets on one port and receiving them on a different port (the two ports are directly connected with a CAT-6 cable), I get this error on the receiving process:
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x00000000004158a0 in rte_eth_rx_burst (port_id=0 '\000', queue_id=0, rx_pkts=0x7ffff5baa8f0, nb_pkts=128) at /home/devel/dpdk/build/include/rte_ethdev.h:1658 1658 return (*dev->rx_pkt_burst)(dev->data->rx_queues[queue_id], rx_pkts, nb_pkts); To give some more details: - the options given to the two processes: ./receiver -c 0x3 -n 2 -m 200 --no-shconf -- -p 0x1 ./sender -c 0xc -n 2 -m 200 --no-shconf -- -p 0x2 where the -p option is the binary mask to select the ports to enable. - the network card is a dualport Intel X540: port 0: Intel Corporation Ethernet Controller 10 Gigabit X540-AT2 (rev 01) port 1: Intel Corporation Ethernet Controller 10 Gigabit X540-AT2 (rev 01) - this is the hugeadm --pool-list output: Size Minimum Current Maximum Default 1073741824 2 2 2 * My first question is: should it be possible to let separate primary processes coexist if they use different resources (cores, ports, memory pools)? A second question is: there is any other workaround to let this scenario work without merging the two processes into two lcores of the same process? Thanks in advance, -Walter Walter de Donato, Ph.D. PostDoc @ Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies University of Napoli Federico II Via Claudio 21 -- 80125 Napoli (Italy) Phone: +39 081 76 83821 - Fax: +39 081 76 83816 Email: walter.dedonato at unina.it WWW: http://wpage.unina.it/walter.dedonato