(2013/11/28 19:46), Richardson, Bruce wrote:
>> If someone wants to implement forwarding application that receives
>> packets from ETH_A and send those to ETH_B.
>> Also above application is split to 3 processes like following.
>> [ETH_A]-->Process_A --> [Ring_A] --> Process_B --> [Ring_B] --> Process_C --
>>> [ETH_B] (All 3 processes are implemented using PMD)
>> At present, to implement Process_B might be difficult or tricky because ring
>> can't be distinguished.
>> I guess all virtual eth device like ring and pcap should have MAC address.
>> And It should be possible to specify MAC address from command line.
>> If so, DPDK application can distinguish all ports using MAC address even if
>> port corresponds virtual eth device.
> [BR] Actually, the way the ring pmd is implemented is designed to take 
> account of this multi-process scenario in a slightly different way. 
> Firstly, the ethernet device numbers used are always per-process, which is 
> why in the multiprocess case, we still do a load of the ethernet drivers and 
> a pci probe on initialization of secondary processes. Any ring PMDs created 
> by passing EAL parameters to a process are therefore local to that process 
> alone. To use the ring-based PMD to exchange packets between two processes, 
> the APIs of the ring PMD should be used directly by the app, instead of via 
> the EAL commandline. The rings should be directly created in the app, e.g. in 
> process A, using rte_ring_create(), and then, if you need a PMD interface to 
> the ring, you call the rte_eth_from_rings() API. Then in process B, you use 
> rte_ring_lookup() to get the pointer to the ring(s) you wish to use, and 
> again call rte_eth_from_ring() to similarly wrap that into an eth_dev 
> structure.
> (Now, it's also worth noting that you may pay a very small performance 
> penalty for not using the ring APIs directly, since the ring enqueue and 
> dequeue functions are direct function calls that often can be inlined by the 
> compiler. Using the rings through an eth_dev API gives you API consistency, 
> but it means that the ring enqueue and dequeue is done via function pointers, 
> which means the calls cannot be inlined directly.)

Thanks  Richardson,
I understand how to use the RIng PMD in above case.

Tetsuya Mukawa

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