Here is my +1 (binding)

Apache ID: morningman

I have updated the release note, add some behavior change and new feature.

I checked:

[x] The download link is legal.

[x] The PGP signature are valid.

[x] The source code matches the current release version.

[x] The LICENSE and NOTICE files are correct.

[x] All files carry the necessary protocol header.

[x] The compiled content is not included in the source package


Best Regards
Mingyu Chen


在 2024-05-16 11:39:14,"王博" <> 写道:
>+1 (binding)
>My Apache ID(optional): wangbo
>I checked:
>[x] The download link is legal.
>[x] The PGP signature are valid.
>[x] The LICENSE and NOTICE files are correct.
>[x] All files carry the necessary protocol header.
>[x] The compilation can be executed smoothly.
>[x] version upgrade test.
>[x] master fe transfter test.
>                                             "dev"                             
>                                                       <;;
>发送时间:&nbsp;2024年5月16日(星期四) 上午9:31
>主题:&nbsp;Vote for Apache Doris 2.1.3
>Hi all,
>Please review and vote on Apache Doris 2.1.3 release.
>The release candidate has been tagged in GitHub as 2.1.3-rc09, available
>The release notes can be found here:
>The source package, signature and checksum corresponding
>to this release candidate can be found here:
>The convenience binaries can be downloaded here:
>KEYS file is available here:
>The vote will be open for at least 72 hours.
>[ ] +1 Approve the release
>[ ] +0 No opinion
>[ ] -1 Do not release this package because ...
>Best Regards,
>Yi Guo Lei
>The Best Cloud Native Platform for Apache Doris

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