Hi all, Now branch-1.2-lts is freezed and will be protected later. Any new PRs with bug fix should be labeled with "dev/1.2.0", and once it has been merged into branch-1.2-lts, it shoud be changed to "dev/1.2.0-merged" You can see all pending PR here[1] and all merged PR here[2]
The vote for 1.2.0 will be started soon. [1] https://github.com/apache/doris/labels/dev%2F1.2.0 [2] https://github.com/apache/doris/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+label%3Adev%2F1.2.0-merged -- 此致!Best Regards 陈明雨 Mingyu Chen Email: morning...@apache.org At 2022-11-22 00:06:28, "Mingyu Chen" <morning...@163.com> wrote: >Hi all, >I have submitted the draft of 1.2.0 release note[1]. It is still >work-in-progress and only in Chinese. >It will be updated continuously over the next few days. >The branch-1.2-lts[2] is also updated. > > >There are some issue that I am concerned: > > >1. >the current hot and cold separation feature is still not mature enough, >and there are major deficiencies in architecture and functions. >We need to discuss whether to open this feature by default in this version. > > >2. >Some of the feature have no document, they should be added before releasing. > > >[1] https://github.com/apache/doris/issues/14461 >[2] https://github.com/apache/doris/tree/branch-1.2-lts > >-- > >此致!Best Regards >陈明雨 Mingyu Chen > >Email: >morning...@apache.org > > > > >在 2022-10-26 00:05:30,"m18601927734" <m18601927...@163.com> 写道: > >Nb > > >---- Replied Message ---- >| From | Mingyu Chen<morning...@163.com> | >| Date | 10/25/2022 16:03 | >| To | doris-dev <dev@doris.apache.org> | >| Subject | [Discuss] Doris 1.2 release kickoff | >Hi all, >Since the last major release 1.1, we have merged nearly 3000 commits to master >branch. >And we have started discussing about releasing 1.2 in our Community Sync >Meetings a month ago. >The main feature list of 1.2 can be found here[1]. > > >We will continue to maintain and test the branch-1.2-lts, and plan to create >the first tag this week, and the official release time is expected in >mid-November. >We'll be synchronizing progress at our Bi-weekly Community Sync[2], the next >meeting will be on 11.02 > > >Please update the wiki[1] with any suggestions, or participate in community >meeting discussions[3]. > > >[1]: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/DORIS/TODO+List >[2]: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/DORIS/Bi-Weekly+Community+Sync >[3]: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/DORIS/2022-11-02 > > > > >-- > >此致!Best Regards >陈明雨 Mingyu Chen > >Email: >morning...@apache.org > > > > >