
I checked:
[x] Whether the download link is legitimate.
[x] Whether the checksum and PGP signature are legitimate. 3.
[x] Whether the code matches the current release.
[x] Whether the LICENSE and NOTICE files are correct.
[x] All files carry the necessary protocol descriptions.

by stalary

On 09/13/2022 11:22,Mingyu Chen<morning...@163.com> wrote:
Hi Junling,
The unit test code in 1.1.2 branch is not up-to-date.
We do not recommend that users compile or run unit tests on the release branch.
Please run unit test on master branch.
This issue does not affect the compilation and running of the main code, we 
will fix this issue in the next release.


此致!Best Regards
陈明雨 Mingyu Chen


在 2022-09-13 11:09:03,"junling du" <dujlm...@gmail.com> 写道:
please check the merge conflict in unit test file:

.//be/test/olap/delta_writer_test.cpp:*<<<<<<< HEAD*

De Li <l...@apache.org> 于2022年9月13日周二 10:32写道:

Updated the checking result as following in last email which is incorrect.

# docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/github/workspace apache/skywalking-eyes
header check
INFO GITHUB_TOKEN is not set, license-eye won't comment on the pull
INFO Loading configuration from file: .licenserc.yaml

INFO Totally checked 5985 files, valid: 4030, invalid: 0, ignored: 1955,
fixed: 0

On 2022/09/13 02:27:56 De Li wrote:
Here is my +1(binding),

I checked:
[x] Checksum and PGP signature are legitimate.
[x] DISCLAIMER is included.
[x] The source code matches the current release.
[x] No compiled content is included in the source package.
[x] The compilation can be executed without problems.

# wget
# tar zxf apache-doris-1.1.2-src.tar.gz
# cd apache-doris-1.1.2-src/
# docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/github/workspace apache/skywalking-eyes
header check
INFO GITHUB_TOKEN is not set, license-eye won't comment on the pull
INFO Loading configuration from file: .licenserc.yaml
INFO Totally checked 5897 files, valid: 3997, invalid: 0, ignored: 1900,
fixed: 0

# wget
# wget https://downloads.apache.org/doris/KEYS
# wget
# gpg --import KEYS
# gpg --verify apache-doris-1.1.2-src.tar.gz.asc
gpg: Signature made Sat 10 Sep 2022 09:41:25 AM CST
gpg:                using RSA key A44E008AF97D3FB3
gpg: Good signature from "yiguolei (yiguolei's key) <yiguo...@apache.org>"
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the
Primary key fingerprint: C1E2 DD8E 8129 9B31 2E42  24F3 A44E 008A F97D

# sha512sum --check apache-doris-1.1.2-src.tar.gz.sha512
sha512sum --check apache-doris-1.1.2-src.tar.gz.sha512

# docker run -it -v /data/test/apache-doris-1.1.2-src/.m2:/root/.m2 -v
# cd /root/apache-doris-1.1.2-src/
# sh build.sh


On 2022/09/10 03:20:58 GuoLei Yi wrote:
Hi all,

Please review and vote on Apache Doris 1.1.2 release.

The release candidate has been tagged in GitHub as 1.1.2-rc05,


This release is a bugfix release for 1.1.1,  All users are encouraged
upgrade to this release. Release Notes are here:


The artifacts (source, convenience binaries, signature and checksum)
corresponding to this release candidate can be found here:


KEYS file is available here:


The vote will be open for at least 72 hours.

[ ] +1 Approve the release

[ ] +0 No opinion

[ ] -1 Do not release this package because ...
Best Regards,
Yi Guo Lei
The Best Cloud Native Platform for Apache Doris

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