Hi all, Currently we support a variety of external tables, but ut can only mock a lot of times. In order to be able to test for real scenarios, I wanted to use Docker to solve the problem of third party dependencies. My initial thoughts are as follows. 1. Create docker-compose.yaml files for the third party dependencies you want to test. 2. Implement annotations for ut, supporting the specification of docker-compose.yaml. 3. Start the Docker service before starting ut.
Reference implementation a. https://github.com/apache/dolphinscheduler/blob/dev/dolphinscheduler-e2e/dolphinscheduler-e2e-case/src/test/java/org/apache/dolphinscheduler/e2e/cases/ClickhouseDataSourceE2ETest.java b. https://github.com/apache/skywalking-java/blob/main/test/plugin/scenarios/activemq-scenario/configuration.yml Stalary Email: stal...@163.com