
At 2022-02-12 10:26:57, "陈明雨" <morning...@163.com> wrote:
>Hi all:
>Now there are 6 people who are willing to be collaborators, and all of them 
>are active contributor to Doris:
>hf200012 is PPMC member of Doris, so he does not need to be added.
>I will add the rest 5 of you to the collaborators list. And if any other are 
>willing to be collaborator, please let us know by replying this mail.
>此致!Best Regards
>陈明雨 Mingyu Chen
>在 2022-02-11 17:00:27,"陈明雨" <morning...@163.com> 写道:
>>>Please be careful about this kind of collaborators right assignment.
>>>Normally we give the right to the people who we trust, otherwise it
>>>could cause some trouble.
>>>@Mingyu,  please double check the id before you add them into the list.
>>Thanks for your suggestion, I will pay attention to it.
>>此致!Best Regards
>>陈明雨 Mingyu Chen
>>在 2022-02-11 15:59:14,"Willem Jiang" <willem.ji...@gmail.com> 写道:
>>>Please be careful about this kind of collaborators right assignment.
>>>Normally we give the right to the people who we trust, otherwise it
>>>could cause some trouble.
>>>@Mingyu,  please double check the id before you add them into the list.
>>>Willem Jiang
>>>Twitter: willemjiang
>>>Weibo: 姜宁willem
>>>On Fri, Feb 11, 2022 at 12:12 PM 陈明雨 <morning...@163.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi all:
>>>> I just find that we can assign external collaborators with the triage role 
>>>> on GitHub[1]
>>>> The external collaborators can assign, edit, close the issues and PRs, but 
>>>> without write access to the repo.
>>>> I think we can invite some people to participate in the community building 
>>>> as collaborators to provide some non-code collaboration, but also a good 
>>>> reflection of everyone's contribution.
>>>> Welcome to discuss, if any of you wish to be collaborators, please leave 
>>>> your github id.
>>>> [1] 
>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INFRA/Git+-+.asf.yaml+features#Git.asf.yamlfeatures-AssigningexternalcollaboratorswiththetriageroleonGitHub
>>>> --
>>>> 此致!Best Regards
>>>> 陈明雨 Mingyu Chen
>>>> Email:
>>>> chenmin...@apache.org
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>>>For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@doris.apache.org

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