
陈明雨 <morning...@163.com> 于2022年2月9日周三 14:54写道:

> Hi All:
> Last month we try to release the doris flink/spakr connector 1.0.0[1]. But
> the VOTE has been cancelled because:
> 1. This release was not voted on dev@doris
> 2. The object of this release is the flink/spark connector, but the
> corresponding source code contains the main Doris code. This leads to
> unclear release output.
> So I suggest to create a new repository for connectors. This way we can do
> a separate release for connector.
> The only thing to note is that connectors relies on some thrift
> structures, and the main Doris code also relies on these structures.
> So when these structures are updated, we need to synchronize the thrift
> files of both codebases.
> But these files are usually rarely changed, so I think they are manageable.
> Also, for Doris Manager, we still need a new repo for it.
> the new repo name is :
> 1. github.com/apache/incubator-doris-connectors
> 2. github.com/apache/incubator-doris-manager
> Please feel free to discuss. And you agree on it, please vote +1.
> --
> 此致!Best Regards
> 陈明雨 Mingyu Chen
> Email:
> morning...@163.com;
> morningman....@gmail.com

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