>If we use IDE, will the code be formatted  automatically?Yes, there are 
>plug-ins for various IDE, you can refer to [1].But currently, I coun't find a 
>proper way to format the Java code. The Google java code format[2]can not be 
>customized. And its default behavior is slightly different from our current 
>code style.

[2] https://github.com/google/google-java-format


此致!Best Regards
陈明雨 Mingyu Chen


在 2021-11-17 12:22:45,"ling miao" <lingm...@apache.org> 写道:
>If we use IDE, will the code be formatted  automatically?
>Ling Miao
>陈明雨 <morning...@163.com> 于2021年11月17日周三 上午12:38写道:
>> Hi all:
>> I made a pull request[1] to add clang format action[2].
>> This action will check the BE code format when a new PR is submitted.
>> In the follow-up, I will format the BE code once, and then the new PR
>> needs to
>> ensure that the clang format check is passed before it can be merged into
>> trunk.
>> [1] https://github.com/apache/incubator-doris/pull/7132
>> [2] https://github.com/DoozyX/clang-format-lint-action
>> --
>> 此致!Best Regards
>> 陈明雨 Mingyu Chen
>> Email:
>> chenmin...@apache.org

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