This is a wonderful job! This will our website more useful for Doris users.
Waiting for your PR.

Zhao Chun

黄峰 <> 于2020年3月27日周五 上午11:29写道:

> Hi all!
> I recently did some work on improving our documentation website. As we see,
> our website now has some small disadvantages like: old fashioned design,
> mobile incompatible,  lack of version control, etc. So i'm now trying to
> rebuild our website with Vuepress <>
> which
> is a minimalistic Vue-powered static site generator.
> Node.js environment will be needed for developing:
> 1. prepare node.js env.
> 2. cd docs && npm install
> 3. npm run dev
> 4. open the web browser and navigate to localhost:8080/en/ or
> localhost:8080/zh-CN/, pages will be auto refreshed during our writing.
> Then the new website will be like:
> Demo:
> *If we decide to migrate, then some changes may be done here:*
> 1. For multi-language, please write markdown files in multi languages and
> put them in folders './en/' and './zh-CN/'. Keep them with the same name
> like:
> .
> ├─ en/
> │  ├─
> │  └─
> └─ zh-CN/
> │  ├─
> │  └─
> 2. The index.rst file under each doc folder will be removed, instead, the
> sidebar configurations under docs/.vuepress/sidebar/*.js will be used to
> declare the docs' sequence, subfolders, etc in multi-languages.
> If we have directories like:
> .
> ├─ en/
> │  ├─ subfolder
> │  │  ├─
> │  │  └─
> │  └─
> └─ zh-CN/
> │  ├─ subfolder
> │  │  ├─
> │  │  └─
> │  └─
> Then the sidebar configurations would be like:
> // .vuepress/sidebar/en.js`
> module.exports = [
>   {
>     title: "subfolder name",
>     directoryPath: "subfolder/",
>     children: ["one", "two"]
>   },
>   "three"
> ]
> // .vuepress/sidebar/zh-CN.js
> module.exports = [
>   {
>     title: "文件夹名称",
>     directoryPath: "subfolder/",
>     children: ["one", "two"]
>   },
>   "three"
> ]
> 3. Frontmatters like below should always be on the top of each file:
> ---{
>     "title": "Backup and Recovery", // sidebar title
>     "language": "en" // writing language}---
> 4. Assets are moved from 'docs/resources' to
> '.vuepress/public/images'. Assuming
> that there exists a png '.vuepress/public/images/image_x.png' , then it can
> be used like:
> ![alter text](/images/image_x.png)
> 5. Markdownlint  <> will be used
> for checking all markdown files before building the website. So we should
> run 'npm lint' each time we finished writing.
> Once a new PR is accepted, travis will be triggered to build the whole
> document website, and push the dist folder to the asf-site branch of
> incubator-doris-website <
> >.
> *And the travis did such things:*
> 1. Prepare node.js and vuepress environment.
> 2. Use current branch's name as the relative url path in
> '.vuepress/config.js' (which is the 'base' property).
> 3. Build the documents into a website all by vuepress.
> 4. Fetch asf-site repo to local directory, and copy '.vupress/dist/' into
> '{BRANCH}/'.
> 5. Push the new site  with GitHub Token (which is preset in Travis console
> as a variable used in .travis.yml).
> *For multi-version control*, we just need to edit the 'versions.js' file
> under asf-site branch of incubator-doris-website
> <>.
> *Everyone please feel free to discuss and give me your opinions, thx.*
> Best Regards.

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