Hi ZhaoChun:

I have some questions:

1. How does the TableFunctionScanNode works with other ScanNode? 

For example: select * from B left join lateral from (select * from B where B.c1 
> A.c1)

In this SQL, What ScanNodes will be generated for the subquery in FROM clause? 
A single TableFunctionScanNode? Or a OlapScanNode follows by a 

2. Can TableFunctionScanNode replace some implementations in GROUPING SET?

此致!Best Regards
陈明雨 Mingyu Chen


At 2019-09-30 18:00:34, "Zhao Chun" <zh...@apache.org> wrote:
>Hi, all
>I want to support UDTF(user-defined table function) in Doris. Following is
>detailed design.
>## Motivation
>Currently in some scenarios, users have the need to expand a row of data
>into multiple rows. For example, if a user's field stores an TAG list, then
>if he want to count the number of occurrences of each tag. Like following
>example, if he want to count how many times each tag appears.
>| id | tags |
>| --- | --- |
>| 1 | tagA, tagC |
>| 2 | tagA, tagB |
>| 3 | tagB, tagD |
>| 4 | tagE, tagF |
>If we can expand the above table according to the tags as follows, it's
>easy to get how many each tag appears by a simple SQL like `SELECT count(*)
>from tbl GROUP BY tag`.
>| id | tag |
>| --- | --- |
>| 1 | tagA
>| 1 | tagC |
>| 2 | tagA |
>| 2 | tagB |
>| 3 | tagB |
>| 3 | tagD |
>| 4 | tagE |
>| 4 | tagF |
>However, Doris lacks similar functionality, so it is very difficult and
>inefficient to achieve this functionality.
>In addition to enabling UDTF to make it easier for Doris users to analyze
>data to achieve their desired goals, Doris can use UDTF to achieve better
>display and analysis of nested type data in the future. Such as we can
>expand a JSON field to rows like following.
>We can change
>{"a": "foo", "b": "bar"}
>into rows like
>| a | b |
>| --- | --- |
>| foo | bar |
>or rows like
>| key | value |
>| --- | --- |
>| a | foo |
>| b | bar |
>## Summary
>And this work may be split into 3 phases to finish.
>1. Implement analysis and execution of table function. After this work
>finishes, user can use built-in table function. However we don't support
>lateral join then, table function's argument can only be constant, which
>can not change in one query. So the ability of table function is still very
>2. Support for user defined table function. After this work, developers can
>create new table functions to solve his own problem.
>3. Support lateral join. After this work, table function will be more
>complete, user can use it to solve most problems. But how to do this
>function is not completely clear, so it is to do.
>## Phase 1: Support Built-in Table Function
>### Query Plan
>In order to support user to use table function, we should support such
>syntax. Now Doris supports table reference and subquery in SQL FROM clause,
>table function should also be supported in FROM clause. And SQL analyzer
>must be able to identify table function and check if it's used in a proper
>way. For example table function can not be used in SQL WHERE and GROUP BY
>When analyzer analyzes table function's usage, SQL Planner should generate
>execution plan for table function. This execution plan should be scheduled
>by coordinator to some backend to execute it.
>### Table Function Execution
>To make table function execute in backend, we should implement a new
>`ExecNode` whose name is `TableFuncionScanNode`. Its responsibility is to
>execute a type of table functions and collect result of table functions and
>then provide them to data pipeline of this execution instance.
>This node's main includes: first, it should prepare the environment and
>parameters which are required by the TableFunction. This node will compute
>these all before each function call. This node may be executed multiple
>times because parameters are changed according to input value. In order to
>achieve this, we need to support `ReOpen` or `ReScan` interface to start
>scan again with different parameters. We will postpone this function util
>we support later join. Second, this node will call table function to
>execute it and collect function's result. Third, this function will convert
>the result of function to what other `ExecNode` can recognize and handle.
>Parent of this node get data from it in a batch way, this node should
>return result in this way to make other nodes happy.
>### UDTF Execution
>In order to ensure the consistency of the user experience, we continue to
>use the UDF implementation interface. To implement a table function, user
>should implement three functions as follow. `process` interface must be
>provided for a table function, the other two interfaces `prepare` and
>`close` are optional. These interfaces are used to optimize execution of
>function. For example, some context can be created in prepare function and
>saved in ctx, which can be used in every process call. It will avoid
>creating context for each call of process.
>Void func_prepare(doris_udf::FunctionContext* ctx,
>doris_udf::FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope)
>Void func_process(doris_udf::FunctionContext* ctx, const doris_udf::xxxVal&
>arg1 [, ...])
>Void fun_close(doris_udf::FunctionContext* ctx,
>doris_udf::FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope)
>Unlike other functions, the table function returns multiple rows of data
>for a single call. This version assumes that the number of rows returned by
>each call function will not be too large, such as less than 10000 rows. So
>the use of a `process` function to fully obtain the data processed by the
>function. If there is a large amount of data returned by the function in
>the future, then we can add the incremental access interface such as
>`get_next()`. If this interface is supported, result of function will be
>get by calling `get_next` many times.
>The data generated by the `process` function is stored in `RecordStore`,
>which can be obtained by `ctx->record_store()`. The function result used
>memory should be allocated from `RecordStore`.
>The specific interface corresponding to `RecordStore` is defined as follows.
>Class RecordStore {
>    // Allocate a record to store data.
>    // Returned record can be added to this store through calling
>    // append_record function. If returned record is not added back,
>    // client should call free_record to free it.
>    Record* allocate_record();
>    // Append a record to this store. The input record must be returned
>    // by allocate_record function of this RecordStore. Otherwise
>    // undefined error would happen.
>    void append_record(Record* record);
>    // This function is to free the unused record created by allocate_record
>    // function.
>    void free_record(Record* record);
>    // Allocate memory for variable length filed in record, such as string
>    // type. The allocated memory need not to be freed by client, they will
>    // be freed when this store is destroyed.
>    void* allocate(size_t size);
>    RecordStoreImpl* _impl;
>The interface of each Record is provided as follows.
>Class Record {
>    // Set idx field to null
>    void set_null(int idx);
>    // set idx filed to val as int
>    void set_int(int idx, int val);
>    // set idx filed to ptr with len as string, this function will
>    // use input buffer directly without copy. Client should allocate
>    // memory from RecordStore.
>    void set_string(int idx, const uint8_t* ptr, int len);
>Below is a simple example to implement a table function.
>// duplicate input argument many times. All results will be save
>// in RecordStore.
>void duplicate(FunctionContext* context, const IntVal& times, const
>StringVal& val) {
>    RecordStore* store = context->record_store();
>    for (int i = 0; i < times.val; ++i) {
>        Record* record = store->allocate_record();
>        // set index
>        record.set_int(0, i);
>        // set value
>        char* ptr = store->allocate(val.len);
>        memcpy(ptr, val.ptr, val.len);
>        record.set_string(1, ptr, val.len);
>        store->append_record(record);
>    }
>The implementation framework requires two sets of code to be implemented,
>one for Doris internal and the other for SDK. Why do we need two sets of
>code to implement? Simple reason is because of execution performance. I
>want that Table function's result can be processed by other execution nodes
>directly without memory copy. However, in order to ensure the decoupling
>relationship between the table function and the internal implementation, it
>is not necessary to expose the internal implementation to the users of the
>UDTF. This ensures future changes in the internal format and ensures that
>the existing UDTF can continue to be used normally. So we need to implement
>it two times to separate the SDK from the internal implementation of Doris
>After above work, we can support built-in table function in Doris.
>## Phase 2: Support User-Defined Table Function
>## SQL Syntax
>The syntax to create a UDTF is as follows. Compared to UDF, UDTF also needs
>to define a function to return the schema of Table, the other is the same
>as UDF.
>CREATE FUNCTION func_name (arg_type [, arg_type])
>RETURNS TABLE (col_name col_type [, ...])
>[PROPERTIES ("key" = "value" [, ...]) ]
>## Meta Store
>Internally, you need to save UDTF-related metadata.
>## Phase 3: Support Lateral Join
>After Supporting Layer Join, TableFunction can be called multiple times
>during a function execution, using the following methods:
>SELECT * from tbl as a, LATERAL table_func(a.c1, a.c2);
>What we should support is as follows.
>1. Query parsing supports Lateral syntax
>2. The planning part can correctly plan Lateral Join
>3. Support Lateral Join Node or parameter system supporting the entire query
>And How to achieve this is TODO...
>If you have any thoughts on this, please let me know. Looking forward to
>your feedback.
>I have already create an issue[1] in GitHub too.
>1. https://github.com/apache/incubator-doris/issues/1922
>Zhao Chun

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