Danke David

Ich schlage vor, wer einverstanden ist schreibt seinen Namen darunter. ich mach mal den Anfang.

Gruss Raphael

Am 26.02.12 19:56, schrieb David Paenson:
Hallo Raphael,

hier meine Korrekturvorschläge zum englischen Text:

Hi all

We from the german-nlc would like to make a new start. The de-nlc has a long history and was one of the strongest OOo nlc projects. At peak times we had over 40 Mails per day coming over the de-dev mailing list. The de site is one of the moast visited at the Apache OpenOffice project, and the chance is good that we can get new volunteers.

The problem is, without a mailing list it's hard to involve newcomers.

The English list es not really a viable alternative - same as it wouldn't be much good to force English native speakers to follow a ML with more than 40 mails a day in Spanish for example.

Non-programmers, who can do great work in QA, documentation and localization, have first to learn how this project is set up. They would feel more comfortable on a ML with less traffic and in their own language.

But I'm sure many of those who join a de-discouss will at some point in time also come to the ooo-dev. So it's not about splitting the community. On the contrary, it's about attracting new people to the project.

We could of cours setup a list outside of Apache - an alternative we have allready discused.

But we need to be closer to Apache. A group outside would need very careful planning and coordination with the Apache project, and this would needlessly take up valuable time which could be put to better use. At the same time we need an up-and-running list need very soon, because the old infrastructure will be shutting down in the near future.

We would very much like to know, what you think of our proposition.

The following people are willing to make contributions to a new german-nlc community.

For the German NLC
- Raphael Bircher

Viele grüße

On 23 February 2012 22:45, Raphael Bircher <r.birc...@gmx.ch <mailto:r.birc...@gmx.ch>> wrote:

    Hallo An alle

    Ich unterbreite hier das Proposal für den Ersatz dieser Liste auf
    Apache. Ob wir damit durchkommen weiss ich nicht. Allerdings
    können wir es versuchen.

    Subject [PROPOSAL] Set up ooo-discouss...@incubator.apache.org

    Hi all

    We from the german-nlc like to make a new start. The de-nlc has a
    long history and was one of the strongest OOo nlc projects. At the
    top time we have over 40 Mails per day comming over the de-dev
    mailing list. The de site is one of the moast visited page at the
    Apache OpenOffice project, and the chance is good that we can get
    new volunteers.

    The problem is, without a mailing list it's hard to get newcommer
    in. The english list es no solution here. For all native english
    speaker: Imagine you have to follow a ML with more then 40 per day
    mail in Spanish for exemple. No-programmers, who can do great work
    in QA, documentation and localization, have first to learn how
    this project work. They feel more comfortabel on a ML with not so
    height traffic and in there language. I'm sure many of the people
    who join a de-discouss will also come to the ooo-dev later. So
    it's not about spliting community, it's about how to bring new
    people to the project.

    Well we can also setup a list outside Apache, and we allready
    discused the possibility of a group outside Apache. But we have
    also the need to be close to Apache. A group outside needs a
    carefull planing and this takes time. But the list we need soon,
    cause the old infrastructure will shot down soon. What do you
    think about?

    The following people are willing to make contributions to a new
    german-nlc community.


    So, das wäre der Text, lest ihn Euch durch, und bringt allfällige
    Korrekturen an. Ich kann leider nicht so gut Englisch, von da her
    sind da bestimmt Fehler drin.

    Gruss Raphael
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