Hi André,
quote from the original l10n schedule:
#  July 22nd - CWS l10n builds available to test language integration
# July 22nd - 29th TCM l10n testing. Focus on new features

The builds have been delivered today (26th) instead of 22nd. That means
l10n teams have only 50% of the planned time. Furthermore we are
missing a weekend. Most of our volunteers are simply that: volunteers,
being able to work outside regular office hrs.

I really don't want to fixe timing problems that were caused earlier in the process. At the moment I cannot tell, if the German l10n cws can get approval before 2nd of August. In fact I'm not willing to push volunteers again and again to hurry up and sacrifice quality for speed beacuse of problems that we are not responsible for.
yes, you are right. The new l10n testing timeframe is extended until August 2nd.



Rafaella Braconi | Program Manager
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