Grüss dich, mein Problem ist , das xls Files nicht in writer richtig zu sehen sind.
lg. Jörg -------Originalmeldung------- Von: André Schnabel Datum: 15.03.2010 19:05:23 An:;; Cc: dev; Betreff: [de-dev] Open Language Tools XLIFF Editor version 1.3.1 has been released Dear Open-Language-Tools users, the latest version (1.3.1) of our XLIFF editor has been released and is available for download. This is a bugfix release, fixing some XLIFF-compatibility issues, a bug that prevented displaying XLIFF segments after upgrade from Editor version 1.2.7 and a number of other minor issus. Please read the release notes for more details: net/files/documents/3451/146084/EDITOR_RELEASE_NOTES_1.3.1.txt For all who already tested the release candidate: you do not need to download the editor again. The release version is exactly the same as the RC. Call for help! We urgently need developers, translators, documentation writers, testers .... (in fact all kind of people who can contribute to develop the Open-Language-Tools). At the moment we are going to review the project's history, current status and future plans [1]. So if you are interested in contributing or what the project should be heading for, this is the right time to join us. Please join our mailing lists and get in touch with us. [2] kind regards and see you at the mailing lists, André [1] net/files/documents/3451/148711/OpenLanguageTools-Project.odt [2] --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: