
Rosana ist wirklich sehr engagiert und ich finde die Idee eines solchen "Werbe"videos wirklich gut. Wenn ihr also ein paar Minuten Zeit und Lust habt, schaut euch das mal an und - macht mit! :-)

Viele Grüße

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [marketing] Videos: get involved!
Datum: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 19:12:12 +0100
Von: Rosana Ardila Biela <rosana.ard...@sun.com>
Antwort an: d...@marketing.openoffice.org
An: d...@marketing.openoffice.org

Hello All,

I'm now working on two videos for OOo and would like to ask you to get
involved. I did a few interviews with OOo members at the Cebit
exposition in Hannover, Germany. So I already have some material, but I
would like to have people from all around the world in the videos. As I
can't travel around the world to interview you all, I would like to ask
you to help me.

The idea is very simple: webcams are very popular, almost every new
laptop has one. So you might have one, and if not, you probably know
someone who has one, and can lend it to you. You could make a "living"
postcard: get in front of the camera and tell why OOo is special and how
to get involved.

Important is the sound quality, so that everyone can understand the
voice. The lightning is also important, so we can see the person in
front of the camera. If you can do the takes outdoors, it would be
great, as it gives the impression of "freedom". And well, if there is a
very beautiful place in your country and you can show it on your video
that would be great.

I will pick some of the videos and integrate them with the content I
already have, but we can find a place to put all the videos. I created
an e-mail account where you can send me the videos:
ooo.postc...@googlemail.com <mailto:ooo.postc...@googlemail.com> The
files size can be up to 20MB, and the shorter the videos, the better.

I hope I can see you soon!


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