Hallo Wolfgang, *,
On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 07:34:06AM +0200, Wolfgang Jankowski wrote:
> Ich bitte um Entschuldigung.


> Die komplette Meldung:
> ERROR: (com.sun.star.deployment.DeploymentException) { { Message = "Fehler 
> beim Aktivieren von: doos4.0.1.uno.so", Context = 
> (com.sun.star.uno.XInterface) @8104d40 }, Cause = (any) { 
> (com.sun.star.registry.CannotRegisterImplementationException) { { Message 
> = "loading component library failed: 
> file:///root/.ooo-2.0/user/uno_packages/cache/uno_packages/o4HgL7_/doos4.0.1.uno.pkg/linux_x86.plt/doos4.0.1.uno.so",
> Context = (com.sun.star.uno.XInterface) @0 } } } }

Warum sucht das denn in root's Homeverzeichnis? Hast du das als root
versucht? Wenn ja: Versuch's mal als User ... ;)
Welche Distro benutzt du denn so?

Do people like check the Debian website every 5 minutes to check it hasn't
morphed into another one? Not that I'm one to talk, but some people seriously
need to get a life.
                -- james on #Debian

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