
Jörg Schmidt schrieb:
bist Du so freundlich und schreibst mir noch einigende erläuternde Worte
zu "zip -f", denn ich würde das gerne mal ausprobieren, weiß nur nicht
wie ich das anstelle (ich vermute stark das ist für Linux gemeint, bin
aber nicht sicher)

generell empfehlenswert für Windows-User, die "Unix-like" scripten möchten und auch gerne mal wissen wollten, welche Vroteile Kommandozeilenparameter haben: http://www.cygwin.com/

Ausschnitt aus der Manpage zu zip:

-f Replace (freshen) an existing entry in the zip archive only if it has been modified more recently than the version already in the archive; unlike the update option (-u) this will not
       add files that are not already in the zip archive.  For example:

              zip -f foo

This command should be run from the same directory from which the original zip command was
       run, since paths stored in zip archives are always relative.

Note that the timezone environment variable TZ should be set according to the local timezone in order for the -f , -u and -o options to work correctly. The reasons behind this are some- what subtle but have to do with the differences between the Unix-format file times (always in GMT) and most of the other operating systems (always local time) and the necessity to compare the two. A typical TZ value is ``MET-1MEST'' (Middle European time with automatic adjustment
       for ``summertime'' or Daylight Savings Time).


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