
für alle die es noch nciht gesehen haben nochmal der Hinweis:

bitte für die Conference registrieren (sofern man vorhat dabei zu sein ;-) )


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff:        [OOoCon] Registration has just started
Datum:  Thu, 15 Jun 2006 17:19:48 +0200
Von:    Cedric Bosdonnat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Antwort an: conference@marketing.openoffice.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
An:     conference@marketing.openoffice.org

Hi everybody,

This email, is just to annouce you that the registration for OOoCon2006
has opened. Can you relay the information around you ? Report to one of
these pages depending on your prefered language.


Thanks for registering and transmitting the info.

PS: I'll post on ooo2006-discuss too

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