Hallo Andreas,

Andreas Mantke schrieb:
Hallo Manfred, *,

Am Freitag, 9. Dezember 2005 16:12 schrieb Manfred Reiter:

Hallo Liste,

auf der Tagung in Ba-Wü musste ich passen auf die Frage,
ob Impress - wie der Mitbewerber - auch auf zwei Bildschirme
ausgegeben werden kann?

Wer kann dazu was sagen?

vielleicht hilft Dir folgender Link weiter:

genau dies ist mir gestern um die Ohren gehauen worden....
und ich muss sagen,
dies ist ein völlig legitimer Anspruch!

This is high on my wishlist, as a person who builds slideshows for church worship services, and also shows slideshows. I used Powerpoint's dual monitor capability a couple of weeks ago, and found that, since we frequently jump around, it was useful to be able to view my slide index while showing the presentation. It was also useful to be able to search for a slide without the audience being able to see what I was doing. I think we really need this, especially if we want to compete with Powerpoint - which, by the way, when you return to the presentation, starts back at the beginning, unlike OpenOffice.org, which in it's present form, starts at your current slide.

At this point, here are my choices: If I don't care about being able to jump around without the audience seeing me jump around, I can use OO.o. If I don't want the audience to see what I'm doing, but want them to see a black screen while I search for, and cue up a slide, I must use Powerpoint. Frankly, I don't like those choices.


Vielen Dank für den Hinweis! :-(



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