Hi zusammen,
hier also der aktuelle Stand zur Info.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Re: [releases] Security advisory: OpenOffice DOC document Heap Overflow
Datum: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 10:08:04 -0700
Von: Louis Suarez-Potts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Antwort an: releases@openoffice.org
An: releases@openoffice.org
Hi Eike,
At 13:50 14-4-2005, you wrote:Hi Simon,
On Tue, Apr 12, 2005 at 19:29:34 +0200, Simon Brouwer wrote:
> Is this heap overflow only an issue on Linux?
The heap overflow itself may happen on every system.
OK then, my next question: is a patch already available for the Windows version?
There is a patch avail. for Win, Lin, Sol (S & I). It's in /rc right now and being tested. We'll post the final URL to this list later on today (14 April) and make it public then. I'll send a note to announce but first here, so that NLC groups can translate.
I've also created a page that gives instructions, basically the ones already provided here. There is no fancy and easy automatic installer, so I figure there will be more than a few anxious users wanting help.
The patch fixes 1.1.4 only. 2.0 beta will be fixed by 1.9.95; it's unclear atm whether subsequent versions of 1.1.4 will be or 1.1.5. Ask Martin.
People using 1.1.3 and prior will need to upgrade: the vulnerability affects them, too, but there is no patch that will fix their version of OOo. They can upgrade to either 1141 or 115 or 1.9.95.
(You understand now why we do not want to issue these complex options until we are certain of what is going on....)
In summary: Stefan, Martin or I will post to this list with more information soon. I'll send the draft letter here, but I am waiting to see what the final URL will be. The files are not, afaik, in the correct and final directory yet. They will be moved out of /rc.
For porting projects:
Please if you have not already, make availalble to your users the correct library and update your project page. We are only listing on the security patch page Win, Lin, Sol, not Mac, LinuxPPC, FreeBSD, etc.
Thanks Louis
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