
zur Information: Am Samstag findet der nächste IRC talk zum interessanten Thema "Software-Patente" statt.


  * UTC  Sat 15:00    -- Coordinated Universal Time
  * CDT  Sat 10:00 AM -- US Central Daylight Time (e.g. Chicago)
  * CEST Sat  5:00 PM -- Central Europe Summer Time (e.g. Paris)
  * EEST Sat  6:00 PM -- Eastern Europe Summer Time (e.g. Athens)



-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [native-lang] IRC Talk - Software Patents.
Datum: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 06:06:26 -0400
Von: Daniel Carrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Antwort an: dev@native-lang.openoffice.org
An: OOo Discuss list <discuss@openoffice.org>, OOo Native-Lang list <dev@native-lang.openoffice.org>
CC: OOo Author list <authors@user-faq.openoffice.org>

Greetings everyone,

There is yet another IRC talk this comming weekend. This one is about a very important subject for us, software patents.

    Speaker: Simon Brouwer
    Title:   "The Banana Union - Software Patents in Europe"

Software patents are probably the single greatest for the Free Software and Open Source movements. And Europe is where the battle lines are. Simon Brouwer is very active in the fight against sw patents, and has appeared in the Dutch press speaking about patents.

This is a talk everyone should attend.

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About the IRC confs:
The IRC talks are held bi-weekly. These are informal talks, around 20min
each. They are followed by a Question & Answer period, and then group discussion.

The purpose of these talks is to encourage different language communities to exchange ideas. It also provides an opportunity for people who do not normally meet each other, to meet in a friendly environment.

You can see the logs for the last talk on the IRC conf web page:

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