
Le dim. 19 janv. 2025 à 15:06, Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I don't think we need a site beyond a "simple" Maven site, let me explain...
> I like what projects like Juneau did which is to put all the documentation
> in Javadoc.
> When you go to https://juneau.apache.org/ and click "Documenation", you go
> to https://juneau.apache.org/site/apidocs-9.0.1/index.html and you get the
> full user manual and Javadoc.
> We do this in Commons with BeanUtils:
> https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-beanutils/apidocs/org/apache/commons/beanutils2/package-summary.html
> The advantage is simple (to me): You get the documentation for the version
> you care about, especially if you look at the Javadoc for an older version
> (using javadoc.io or our own archives). See also the PostgreSQL docs for
> the same idea but not in the Java world:
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/index.html

It looks like a fine idea, best applicable to modularized components
(where each "module" is strongly focussed).

For example, much of what is in
and in
could be moved to the respective "package-info.java" files of the
concerned modules:

In this instance we could still have a top-level userguide but it would
mostly consist in a table-of-contents and links to the javadoc-generated

> This means writing documentation in Javadoc or Markdown which is now
> supported by the JDK.

We could still consider Piotr's proposal (a general move to "Asciidoc"):

At first sight (for me), it definitely looks like a significant improvement
in that we could eventually "normalize" the documentation style over
all the components.  [Something I had been wondering about for as
long as I was here...]

> And yes it's ok to use moder Java to build components
> that target older byte code.
> I'd also like our Commons sites to be something like our BeanUtils site
> with a menu somewhere that points to the Javadoc for each version
> (alievating the need to rely on javadoc.io).
> This avoids the need for a User Manual link and pages on the site which
> will not match old versions. I also am not a fan of docs that are have
> version tags all over the place with "this was added in version foo", just
> show me what I care about.

This still does not solve the issue of carrying documentation cruft that
does not match what that version is actually doing.
I suppose that we won't mandate that an older version's documentation
should be corrected when something is found in it...

Refactoring the documentation in such a way still seems to be a fairly
simple (but time-consuming) task for a GSoC project.  [To be conducted
in some "experimental" branch of course, not "master".]


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