This is a major new version, under the beanutils2 package name instead of beanutils.
Apache Commons BeanUtils 2.0.0-M1 RC1 is available for review here: (svn revision 73870) The Git tag commons-beanutils-2.0.0-M1-RC1 commit for this RC is e4eb3568ab6076585cb51b4a6d3f329ae04d2efb which you can browse here:;a=commit;h=e4eb3568ab6076585cb51b4a6d3f329ae04d2efb You may checkout this tag using: git clone --branch commons-beanutils-2.0.0-M1-RC1 commons-beanutils-2.0.0-M1-RC1 Maven artifacts are here: These are the artifacts and their hashes: #Release SHA-512s #Fri Dec 27 01:08:15 UTC 2024 commons-beanutils2-2.0.0-M1-bin.tar.gz=a3d327ade76c1d4ef848386325694116bb6a4e66e844567e9aeb766557f56329cdbb937bbad4c0cfa0bec55d3c0d711dbacb47e2e82d9b33a218b012e74ce4b1 commons-beanutils2-2.0.0-M1-bom.json=6687f38e36d4e08d8ca72131e54bb9abc4eab4df008abc0259e0c95d8be860ae32a7fdb79cedc74b73d91b7de44af23a9de076595db4cfbec168b8c09adc8fc6 commons-beanutils2-2.0.0-M1-bom.xml=1e341f646b4057b740cc44f0c594c55c6eceee65147aa3228425740379adbfa868577453fb2b7bd961fe4ca044a2f3af38c705702934c7461d8c3e3e66c16296 commons-beanutils2-2.0.0-M1-javadoc.jar=a117460982f6ec759fe8d17a0723ef944d914d1b0e3c923679b6d6b15354d4c12b106b925857dbdd404c7e1b825e5cfb41db1269d05c02f2109f7e181c9e5f19 commons-beanutils2-2.0.0-M1-sources.jar=6bbda8274391feedb22195f3f9a5d01081ec47e15028e9fbcb9fbda04ae07a2685269ac34211d2ba5affcc4b82f4589ac791f18d2e93c0938ace133e204f7fbf commons-beanutils2-2.0.0-M1-src.tar.gz=157cf25e470c123e5aee504385d98f06044c4af6e0e314afc52085e4cf988cd346fe75cec6ab58b824450b12d28a22701df8183b090cba17785f51d7abc9dbfa commons-beanutils2-2.0.0-M1-test-sources.jar=2b87383e42618af45814aea5d60a3c36524ed671018f722094908aa450467bdce698d653bb7e434e1184c7c75baff66c9649727cde333c5dd0218bde2763da8d commons-beanutils2-2.0.0-M1-tests.jar=aa3f3afcee100aed8a5a0e7df1913ea12e1ad75ef83c89ec24b4e41bf352fcc767b4c27ce14a4f24f4892a4f75e9f36cdd9c3b9a356c1ba2b67be46efefcee7b org.apache.commons_commons-beanutils2-2.0.0-M1.spdx.json=b4492942c25dd6b4de7f2d3b66f5a6f29ff3136fca2d006f70b99966e6ded013e26fa61b748d7482b1d0e058409d47b1cd93e199a57d5f1faa5054735427f00e I have tested this with ***'mvn clean install site'*** using: *** Use the output from "mvn -version" for each combination you tested. Windows: ver Linux: uname -a *** Details of changes since 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT are in the release notes: Site: (note some *relative* links are broken and the 2.0.0-M1 directories are not yet created - these will be OK once the site is deployed.) JApiCmp Report (compared to 1.9.4): There is no report, the package name is different: beanutils2 vs, beanutils. RAT Report: KEYS: Please review the release candidate and vote. This vote will close no sooner than 72 hours from now. [ ] +1 Release these artifacts [ ] +0 OK, but... [ ] -0 OK, but really should fix... [ ] -1 I oppose this release because... Thank you, Gary Gregory, Release Manager (using key 86fdc7e2a11262cb) The following is intended as a helper and refresher for reviewers. Validating a release candidate ============================== These guidelines are NOT complete. Requirements: Git, Java, Maven. You can validate a release from a release candidate (RC) tag as follows. 1a) Clone and checkout the RC tag git clone --branch commons-beanutils-2.0.0-M1-RC1 commons-beanutils-2.0.0-M1-RC1 cd commons-beanutils-2.0.0-M1-RC1 1b) Download and unpack the source archive from: 2) Check Apache licenses This step is not required if the site includes a RAT report page which you then must check. mvn apache-rat:check 3) Check binary compatibility Older components still use Apache Clirr: This step is not required if the site includes a Clirr report page which you then must check. mvn clirr:check Newer components use JApiCmp with the japicmp Maven Profile: This step is not required if the site includes a JApiCmp report page which you then must check. mvn install -DskipTests -P japicmp japicmp:cmp 4) Build the package mvn -V clean package You can record the Maven and Java version produced by -V in your VOTE reply. To gather OS information from a command line: Windows: ver Linux: uname -a 5) Build the site for a single module project Note: Some plugins require the components to be installed instead of packaged. mvn site Check the site reports in: - Windows: target\site\index.html - Linux: target/site/index.html -the end-