We had a discussion about the same thing a few month ago - I personally like this kind of annotations a lot. I found a very interesting project at https://jspecify.dev/

A good overview mentioning several implementations at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4963300/which-notnull-java-annotation-should-i-use


Am 16.10.24 um 17:14 schrieb Gary Gregory:
I don't think we need this, mostly because I prefer to not have issues with
annotation X vs. Y vs. Z. There are a ton of these types of annotations out
there and using one vs another because the Jetbrain IDE likes it is not a
good enough reason IMO. There's also a javax version,  and a jakarta
version, and so on. Then there is the retention issue, and which one to
pick and why, which then brings you to who really is the client for these,
the source maintainer? The IDE tooling? A runtime framework? I'd rather
skip all of it until it becomes a requirement.


On Wed, Oct 16, 2024, 9:50 AM Claude Warren <cla...@xenei.com> wrote:

What is the general stance on commons to import the annotations?  Is there
a reason not to?  I'm happy to make the changes but want to make sure there
is not a blocker first.


On Tue, Oct 15, 2024 at 9:56 AM Xeno Amess <xenoam...@gmail.com> wrote:

yep, I always think, this kind of allow null not allow null things shall
marked not by doc, but by annotations.

Xeno Amess <xenoam...@gmail.com> 于2024年10月15日周二 04:10写道:

1. important jetbrains annotations as maven dependency.
2.add @Nullable in parent class's param
3.add @NotNull at child class param

*From:* Gary D. Gregory <ggreg...@apache.org>
*Sent:* Tuesday, October 15, 2024 3:29:20 AM
*To:* dev@commons.apache.org <dev@commons.apache.org>
*Subject:* [CLI] Javadoc

Hi All,

We now have append methods like:

public interface HelpAppendable extends Appendable {

      * Appends a header.
      * @param level the level of the header. This is equivalent to the
"1", "2", or "3" in the HTML "h1", "h2", "h3" tags.
      * @param text  the text for the header
      * @throws IOException on write failure
     void appendHeader(int level, CharSequence text) throws IOException;


The supertype defines behavior for null input, but here we do not, we
should either document it as:
- Same as the super type, same kind of Javadoc
- Explicitly document that it is up to the implementing class


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