Hello Gary,

Thank you for your reply.

I came across the same problem as BEANUTILS-541 described. And I noticed it is 
fixed with #69 and merged in April.



At 2024-08-17 20:49:40, "Gary D. Gregory" <ggreg...@apache.org> wrote:
>Hello Jia,
>A release will happen only if required to fix a bug that hampers development.
>Is there a fix/change in the 1.X branch you need that is not in 1.9.4?
>See changes.xml
>On 2024/08/17 09:51:55 吾名 wrote:
>> dear Commons maintainers,
>> Thank you for your greatr work in Apache Commons. It helps a lot.
>> I noticed the beanutils 2.0 is being developed. And the recent release of 
>> Apache Commons Beanutils was 1.9.4, which is released in 2019. Do you have 
>> any plan on a new release of beanutils 1.x before 2.0 is released?
>> I am looking forward for your reply. Thank you.
>> regards,
>> Jia
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