The Apache Commons Team is pleased to announce the availability of
version 1.2 of "Apache Commons Numbers".

Apache Commons Numbers provides number types and utilities.

Changes in this version include:

New features:
o NUMBERS-206:  "Selection": Add selection of the k-th ordered element
from an array.
o NUMBERS-205:  "Addition/Multiplication": Introduces isZero to
Addition and isOne to Multiplication
        interfaces. Override the default implementation in
implementing classes to avoid
        expensive equals(Object) operations. Thanks to Harald Kirsch.
o NUMBERS-203:  "DDField": Add a field for the DD number.
o NUMBERS-193:  "DD": Add an extended precision floating-point number.
A double-double (DD) number
        is an unevaluated sum of two IEEE double precision numbers
capable of representing
        at least 106 bits of significand.
o NUMBERS-192:  "Sum": Add subtract(Sum) method.
o NUMBERS-191:  "Stirling": Compute Stirling numbers of the first kind.
o NUMBERS-29:  Add "Stirling" class to compute Stirling numbers of the
second kind.

Fixed Bugs:
o NUMBERS-204:  "Sum": Correct sub-normal round-off computation in sum
of products.
o NUMBERS-201:  "FP64": Make equals consistent with hashCode.
o NUMBERS-200:  "Sum": Avoid a NaN result when combining Sum instances
with infinite sums
        of the same sign. Thanks to Anirudh Joshi.

o           "ArithmeticUtils": Improve performance of GCD for longs.
Thanks to Matthias Langer.
o           "ArithmeticUtils": Improve performance of
remainderUnsigned and divideUnsigned.
        Thanks to Sebb, Alex Herbert.
o NUMBERS-199:  "Precision": Document inaccurate decimal value
representation when converting
        to and from a double in the round method.

Historical list of changes:

For complete information on Apache Commons Numbers, including
instructions on how
to submit bug reports, patches, or suggestions for improvement, see the
Apache Commons Numbers website:

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